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The short story, which I have written, was based on James Joyce’s stories in Dubliners. He uses many techniques in his writing to add effects and to build characters.
In general the style of the stories is very oblique. When certain events happen in the stories, they are not directly described; instead different things are described such as the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters. From this, the reader is able to use their imagination to determine what is going on. I have used this method in my story mainly when Conner and Mary Jane are in the photo shop together and he assaults her. The actual assault is not described in so many words; it is just the characters thoughts and feelings and describing changes to their bodies.
“His ponderous arms and legs dominated hers. His icy glare contrasted with the warmth he felt inside.”
An example of when Joyce uses this is in An Encounter when the old man wanders off and we only get Mahony’s view of what is going occurring. As a child he would not understand what the man was doing but from his reaction it is obvious to the reader. There are other parts of my story that are oblique in a slightly different way. For example when Conner is sitting outside the caf�, he wonders aloud
-Could this be the day?
The audience is unaware of what he is talking about, as they do not know much about the relationship between the two characters or about their personalities. This is something that the reader would need to keep in the back of their mind in order to make sense of it later in the story. This technique is often used in Joyce’s stories.
Another technique that Joyce uses in all of the stories in Dubliners is his use of descriptive language. He uses this in a variety of ways. Firstly his description of characters really helps to bring them alive. This is used in Two Gallants when the woman is being described. There is a long and very detailed description of her and the clothes she is wearing. There isn’t much to be said about her personality after this physical description as the audience already feels like they know a lot about her. Joyce also uses this but just to describe facial features of characters. I used this in the beginning of my story when the audience is introduced to Mary Jane. “ Her freshly powdered cheeks glowed a rosy pink, as did her pouted lips.” Another use of description found in Dubliners is to do with the senses. Joyce plays around with them and it really creates an effect of realism. I have emulated this when describing the dark room of the photo shop.
“The mildewed smell reached his nostrils forthwith. There was a habitual clamminess which seemed to distribute itself heavily into his attire.”
There is often a type of tone applied to each story, which I feel I have also created in my story. For example in Counterparts the tone is very furious and frustrated, which parallels Farington’s personality and mood. The tone in my story is the opposite of this. It is quite serene and calm, especially when Mary Jane is present. This is until a point of transition in the story. In many of Joyce’s stories, he uses points of transition. The tone changes just after Mary Jane enters the dark room with Conner. The overall effect of this use of tone is a heightened sense of realism, in that the reader is able to feel a greater sense of intimacy and understanding towards the characters. It helps us to understand the atmosphere by which the characters are surrounded so may help the audience to understand the way they are feeling better. This understanding is enhanced by writing my story in the third person. In nearly all of Joyce’s stories he also writes in the third person. This could be a disadvantage in some writing but the way Joyce uses it definitely puts him at an advantage. In the third person we expect to be less privy to the characters thoughts. However, in Dubliners the writing in third person is often on the verge of the characters thoughts and the audience will trust this because it is not biased, from a characters point of view. There is an example of this in Two Gallants where Corley is thinking about his life. “Would he never get a new job? Would he never have a home of his own?” As well as being able to do this he can act as a narrator and also describe physical appearance with far more clarity than characters would be able to. An example of this in my story is when Conner is looking for the photographs for Mary Jane, “What a terrible shame, they seemed not to be there.”
To sum up the end of my story I have included an epiphany for Conner. It is a moment of realisation where he is psychologically processing what has happened. It is not greatly detailed, it just ensures that the audience understand that Conner was able to just get over the days events and carry on as normal but possibly with a new found edge to his personality. There are many epiphanies in Dubliners such as in Araby, which has a lot of strong feelings behind it.
In Joyce’s writing he often uses a lot of linguistic skills to develop the stories. Pathetic Fallacy is used to build up atmosphere in what is about to happen. At the beginning of my story there is just a cold breeze but as soon as the main action is about to happen the weather gets worse. “Rain battered the window”. There is an example of this in An Encounter when the day is described as ‘sultry’ just before the man begins to act strangely.
Personification is also used to bring things to life. I used this technique again when describing the weather. “The breeze scuttered down Duke Street”. This is used in Araby when the street is described as conscious.
There are some parts of the characters descriptions that give them unique qualities. “Sculptured piece of art” makes Mary Jane seem almost un-realistic or too good to be true. When Conner sees the pictures of her a simile is used to describe her. “Like a dark star”. This is using a paradox to create the feeling that there is something that is not quite right. The same technique is used when talking about Conner. “Nestled uncomfortably” is not quite right because if something is nestled then it should be comfortable. This is more of an oxymoron. “Pleasantly Confused” is used in Eveline which is an example of where Joyce has used an oxymoron in his writing. In the description which follows this, there are a few things which make the audience think that Conner is hiding something or that we cannot see the real him. It mentions that his hair often ‘shielded’ his face, and his eyes are ‘misty’. These are both descriptions that create a barrier between the reader and the characters personality. Overall, Conner is a simple character and there are many points in the story that reflect this. One point is when we learn that his new career ideas, and even the name of his shop, came to him in a three second thought. Conner is obviously not bothered about what he does with his life or where it takes him.
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