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Group Membership
More on Group Dynamics
n People would generally much rather depend upon a leader to tell them what to do than determine that for themselves.
Do my coursework
M. Scott Peck, M.D.
n The best way to get things done is not to mind who gets credit for doing them
Benjamin Jowett
Lecture Outline
n Group Roles
n Group Norms
n Group Cohesiveness
n Group Goals
n Group’s member personal qualities
Group roles defined
n The concept of role, borrowed from the theatre, refers to the character an actor portrays in a play.
n Similarly, in a group, it is a position an individual takes as a member of a group.
Group roles
n Groups vary in what they consider necessary roles in the group and how these roles will be distributed.
n Highly structured groups may assign roles (i.e. leader and recorder role).
n Less formal groups may have members interchanging roles (role specialization occurs later).
n Social groups, where roles are flexible, may expect certain behaviors from members.
Types of roles
n In general there are three basic types of roles
n Individuals working for their own agenda (individual roles)
n Individuals helping with the task (task roles)
n Individuals helping maintain relationships (maintenance roles)
Possible roles in a group
n Leader
n Tension releaser
n Information provider
n Central negative
Remaining roles
n Questioner
n Silent observer
n Active listener
n Self-centered follower
Roles and Status
n Roles ¨ Status
n Status can be
n Ascribed
n Acquired
Status and Communication
n Status ¨ Communication within the group
n Addressee / Receiver
n Number of messages
n Quality
n Pattern
Roles and Identity
n Roles ¨ Identity
n An individual’s identity is a large component of all groups ability to maintain themselves.
How can individuals contribute to the group?
n Through their ability to recognize - and, if necessary, change - the group’s norms;
n Through their willingness to help the group develop appropriate goals;
n Through their credibility and sensitivity they can bring to the group.
Group Norms
n A pattern of behavior
n Norms = A standard of value or belief that in turn influences the person’s behavior
n An individual contributes to a group when he or she helps to change unproductive norms to more productive ones.
How do norms develop
n Beliefs / values members bring to the team
n Explicit statements � leader repeats values/goals
n Critical events in team’s history � triggers new norm to avoid future problems
n Primacy effect � initial team experiences
Conformity to norms
n Based on group’s power over its members
n Direct and anticipated pressure or rewards for continued membership
Changing Group / Team Norms
n Cohesiveness = the sense of attachment that members feel for the team, the bonding between the group members.
Group / Team Cohesiveness
Consequences of group cohesiveness
n More motivated to maintain membership
n More information sharing
n Stronger interpersonal bonds
n Conflict solved more swiftly and effectively
n Members more satisfied, less stressed
Cohesiveness and task performance
n Cohesive teams potentially perform better � less conflict
n Norms must be consistent with organizational goals
n Lower performance when team is cohesive, but norms oppose organizational goals
Group Goals
n Just as with individuals, groups also are motivated by the need to accomplish some aim, whether it is a long-range goal or several short-term objectives.
n In ideal circumstances
Your goals = group goals
n Reality
Your goals ‚ group goals
Personal Qualities
n Important to group success
n Some of the most relevant for groups
n Credibility
n Trustworthiness
n Competence
n Sensitivity
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