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4) I first typed in marijuana legalization in the google search engine. However, the results I obtained by this search were numerous and concentrated more on lobby groups and people who wanted to legalize marijuana but did not give many facts as to why it should be legalized or its effects on the brain. I then continued to add words to the search such as “effects on the brain.” This search turned up better results, still, by putting the words “marijuana legalization” in quotations and adding the word “and” before “effects on the brain” (“marijuana legalization” and its effects on the brain � final expression), I attained at the best results, which were detailed to the effect of marijuana on the brain and contained strong supported ideas on the issue of marijuana legalization.
5) http//mitosyfraudes.8k.com/INGLES-/Mari.html
6) The resource I obtained, which is an article from the Argentinean Foundation for Scientific Biology, written by Karen Steinherz and Thomas Vissing discusses the effects of marijuana use on the brain. It discusses the arguments of THC receptor sites in the brain and how they are targeted during marijuana usage and how this affects the brain. It is said in the research that THC receptors target the blood stream directly, which in turn, affects lipid rich tissues, which also includes the brain. It is said in the article that lipids store the marijuana and release it slowly causing continuous damage and effect to brain tissues as well as body functions. The use and effects of other drugs on the brain are also compared to marijuana and in many cases, according to the article, marijuana has been just as harmful, as in the end it is still effecting body functions and damaging brain tissue. The results of the many research studies the authors of the article have observed, help support their ideologies and opinions on marijuana legalization. By reviewing this article, it is seen, in the opinion of the authors, that marijuana has a more negative effect on the body, and should not be legalized without further review. They explain this thoroughly, through various research that verifies the effect of marijuana on the brain.
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Mind that the sample papers like effects of weed presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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