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In Alice McDermott’s “Enough,” the protagonist is shown as a person who seeks pleasure and is not afraid of what others might think or say about her behavior. She deals with both external and internal conflicts, which tells us a lot about her by the way she handles them. As a child, she has to obey the rules that are imposed to her by her mother, but as she grows older, she begins to stray away from them. The way that McDermott ends the story makes the reader think that she approves of the main character’s behavior and that everyone should be able to enjoy as much as they want, the things that gives them the most pleasure in life.
Since the beginning of the story we are able to see that once the protagonist discovers something that makes her feel good and likes a lot she wants more and more of it. As a child she relishes the taste of ice cream and is never conform with the amount she is allow to eat or even the way she is forced to eat it. For her, taking spoonfuls of ice cream is the best way of eating it. In an attempt to try to satisfy her desire for more ice cream she licks the leftovers from all of the bowls.
As she grows older she begins to care less of what others think about her actions. Her “trouble with the couch” as her family called it, is a good example of how she has no shame in what she does. She is found making out with guys first by her mother then by her sisters and brother and does not really do anything to prevent from being caught. Having sex with her husband at the age of seventy and not caring if her kids or anyone else knows, shows the reader she does not think she is doing anything wrong even when others think her actions are not right. If it is not harming her in any way, she does not see why she has to refrain from any of her actions.
The last of her actions that demonstrates the reader her addictive ways towards pleasure is when her husband dies and after a while she starts eating end enjoying ice cream again. This she tries to hide by eating everything and just leaving a single spoonful so that she does not have to throw out the empty one-gallon ice cream carton. Once her kids find out she is doing this, they try to talk her into eating less. The protagonist pays no attention to them and continues eat as much as she wants to. She might do this to show others that she will not be told what to do when the only thing she feels she is doing is finding pleasure in simple things. This makes her happy and cannot find a reasonable motive to stop.
McDermott’s ending sentences leads the reader to think that she agrees with the main character’s actions. She wrote “Pleasure is pleasure. If you have an appetite for it, you will find there is plenty. Plenty. Never Enough.” Pg.14 She is saying that if people look for pleasure they will be able to find it because there is plenty of it. Just like in the story were we read about some of the different pleasures that the main character has. First, it was the ice ream, then her boyfriends, the sex with her husband even at a very old age and last, the ice cream again. All of these things gave her a great satisfaction. It made her happy and would always keep her craving for more and more. Like McDermott says, that there is never enough. She probably believes there is nothing wrong with being able to obtain pleasure and being able to get as much as possible. Why would someone want to stop doing something that only makes him or her feel good?
The protagonist in the story let the reader know that she loves pleasures and is always seeking for them. We can even say that once she found something that gave her pleasure she got addicted to it. Since a little girl she showed a great passion for ice cream. To her ice cream was great, it made her feel good and felt she could never have enough. Even though she had to follow her mothers rules as a child, she was able to break away from them as she grew older just because she strongly believe she had the right to enjoy life in the best way she could. She had no shame in her actions. At the age of seventy she was still having sex with her husband and when his husband was dying she unbuttoned her blouse and did not care who saw her. She always wanted to enjoy the last bit of her joys.
Mind that the sample papers like CONFLICTS AND MAIN CHARACTER OF McDERMOTT’S “ENOUH” presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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