Tuesday, January 22, 2013

boundary crosser

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Being a boundary crosser doesn’t have to include earth-shattering experiences around the world. I have never been out of the United States, but I have crossed many boundaries and learned lessons from it here in our country. Any time I have reached out of my comfort zone for the benefit of someone else, I believe that is crossing a boundary.

It is innate for me to cross boundaries evidenced in many ways when reviewing my activities and choices I have made in my high school years. Early in my development I made the change from being strictly an academic student to a student-athlete status. Athletics has exposed me to a diverse group of people, and in the team sports I play such as football and baseball everyone is forced to work together. More recently I crossed a boundary when I started volunteering in my community. I started a volunteer service at Myrtle Terrace, an income based housing facility for elderly ladies. There are thirty residents at Myrtle Terrace, and they all come from different regions and backgrounds. Also the elderly population comes from a different socioeconomic background than me. Not only have the residents benefited from my services, but I have also learned a great deal from speaking and working with them. The school systems today are very diverse, and some of the roles I have taken in my school have been boundary crossings. I was the class president my sophomore and freshman years and student body vice president my junior year. This year I am the senior class president. Working in leadership positions exposes you to many types of people, and a good leader works well with everyone. I must admit I take pride in the fact that I have a diverse group of friends. It is true that cliques do exist in our schools. However, I have friends from all groups of people from different ethnic, educational, and financial backgrounds. I have found my best friends are those that are unlike myself. One experience that requires youth to cross boundaries is going to a work camp. I have done this twice through my church youth group. One was in Wilmington, NC and the other was in Tullahoma, TN. Both times I was humbled as I was exposed to people less fortunate than me. When I was able to help them by repairing their homes I felt the greatest sense of accomplishment. Another example of crossing a boundary is my participation in tutoring. I have tutored five students in the past three years, and one in particular means a lot to me. I am currently helping a student who is Hispanic, and he is the only person in his family that knows English. I was selected from a group of peer tutors to help this special student. I say he is special because he has developed a brain tumor that is robbing him of his sight. Now he can only see very large objects. Of all the classes, the one I am helping him with is geometry where sight is vital in learning. I sit with him during his class and describe what the teacher is doing, and I have a dry-erase board that I draw large shapes on for him to see. I just got a viewer magnification machine for him to use, which helps him some. This is a challenge for both of us, as we haven’t dealt with the problem before. The student is an inspiration to me because he always has a positive attitude and works hard everyday despite his misfortune. I am very proud of his effort and it paid off when he got the grade back on his first quiz. It was a joy seeing the smile crack on his face when the teacher told him he scored a perfect 100.

In reflection I see a common trait emerging with every boundary I trespass, and that is the leadership qualities I posses. The willingness for me to leave my comfort zone and engage in the unfamiliar is a result of my attraction to leading. I would like to offer a quote that I feel surmises the qualities necessary to be a boundary crosser, and also describes the perception my family, peers, and community has of me.

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