Monday, October 22, 2012

Environmentally changing an individual through literature

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Environmentally changing an individual through literature even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Environmentally changing an individual through literature in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Environmentally Changing an Individual through Literature

Continent, city, country, and society the choice is never wide and never free to the individual. Where one lives their life is where they are shaped whether it be comfortably or not. Changes are made to conform ones individuality to better their society. My Antonia, Black Boy and Thirty Years from Now all show an individual transforming or seeking a way to fit into their society to an extent.

Each piece of literature’s characters differed in the degree of changing to the individual. Each character was also put into different situations. In Black Boy Richard changed his environment instead of shaping himself to fit into his society. Although various moves to different places sometimes only eased the pain momentarily of living in a racist world, his extent of changing was zero percent as an adult. Richard viewed the world as unjust and say many whites as being racists and unlawful.

Our too-young and too-new America ... insists upon seeing the world in terms of good and bad, the holy and the evil, the high and the low, the white and the black.... It hugs the easy way of damning those whom it cannot understand, of excluding those who look different, and it salves its conscience with a self-draped cloak of righteousness. Am I damning my native land? No; for I, too, share these faults of character! (7-7)

Yet Richard knew he obtained many of the same qualities. Richard never changed himself after acknowledging his flaws. Susan Sontag who didn’t changed herself to fit into a society. Through out her writing there are many unvague statements that prove that she did not changed her style of writing to conform to the pressure of the ever-changing society.

My idea of a writer someone interested in everything…therefore everyone your reading touches enjoy it… no matter what it is about. You can relate to all of society…Yet I wanted to be a writer…so I gave up hating many aspects of this Earth…so it was natural for me to conceive of the vocation of a writer this way…my change for society…to be a writer would help me find more scope in this great metropolis…the only surprise was that there weren’t many people like me…so change was a necessity (67-68)

In Thirty Years from Now Susan demonstrates the harshness to not be compliant to the press as well as the people wanting. She takes upon quitting school to just find herself happiness.

The radical change I’d made in my own life, a change embedded in my moving to New York, was that I was not going to settle for being an academic…The freedoms I espoused, the ardors I was advocating, seemed to me-still seem to me-quite traditional…I saw myself as a newly minted warrior in a very old battle against philistinism, against ethical and aesthetic shallowness and indifference (6).

Susan’s move physically and emotionally help better equip her for the optune changes that lay ahead of her. In My Antonia Antonia is an independent dreamer who knew the only way to receive what she desired was to move herself. After her move to Nebraska she obtained a big family and happiness without ever changing her heart and soul desires. Ms. Harling is viewed as the society towards Antonia. For example she looks down upon Antonia for going to the dances and being a teenager. She wishes for her to learn how not to be “one of those people”. Ms. Harling is the main pressure for Antonia to alter. In order for Antonia to not give into pressures of society she realizes that fleeing her hometown is the only way to evade the pressure without transforming her individuality. Yet, unlike Richard who obtained stubborn qualities Antonia, once fled, changes her ways to conform to her new society and new love. Antonia’s characters extent of how the society would shape her is its ok to change if it makes ones soul happy and warm. Richard feels that no matter what stay true to oneself and changing for society is unlawful if given the choice. While Susan feels that in order to obtain happiness, gratitude and money changing for ones society is insecure and intolerable. Drastic changes such as moving home somewhere new, without conforming to unwanted society is what it needed to keep oneself then change is accepted was the motto for all characters.

Richard, Susan and Antonia endured unrightfully judgments from society and without changing to conform to societies desires they all managed to find happiness along the way. The judgments of taste expressed in these pieces of literature may have prevailed in times but their underlying values of those judgments did not. The extent that society can change an individual differs from person to person.

Mind that the sample papers like Environmentally changing an individual through literature presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like december even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like december in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Sir Francis Drake

by Lionel Ashcroft

Francis Drake sailed across from England in a voyage that would take him around the world in three years. He sailed under secret orders from Queen Elizabeth, who privately allowed him to attack the Spanish, while publicly denying knowledge of his actions. He started out with three ships the Pelican, the Elizabeth and the little thirty ton Marigold.

They all crossed the Atlantic and sailed south down to the Straights of Magellen. Here Drake got through in only 16 days but the Elizabeth got lost and the Marigold foundered, leaving only the Pelican with 58 men on board to sail up the coast of Chile and Peru. Changing the name to the Golden Hind they anchored in Lima, Peru among 50 or so other ships and found out that a great Spanish treasure ship was just leaving for Panama. Drake chased it and captured all the gold, silver and spices on board. He then continued going north up the coast pursued by Spanish ships, he outdistanced them and hoping to find a northern passage back across to England continued up to what is now British Columbia. His sails and rigging froze and the coast was pushing them further west away from the direction they had hoped to go. Eventually they turned round and came back down the coast to California. Drake had captured a Spanish map that showed a way across the Pacific, but before he set out across an unknown ocean he had to stop and repair his ship.

Drake chose to anchor in a natural harbor whose yellow cliffs he glimpsed through the summer fog of the Marin coast. He is generally considered to have landed at what is known as Drakes Beach (though this location has been disputed), where he stayed to repair his leaky ship for six weeks. During this time he had ample opportunity to observe the natives, treating them with friendship who in turn greeted him with great honor. We are fortunate that Chaplain Fletcher on board the Golden Hind kept a meticulous diary of the whole voyage in a book called “The World Encompassed”. The book was written by Drakes nephew (also named Sir Francis Drake) printed in 168 and was an enormous Elizabethan success.

The book recounts in detail the observations of Fletcher on the customs and lifestyles of the Miwok Indians, providing valuable information on the period prior to any contact with non native people. The language and printing of the book are Elizabethan so these extracts have been modernized. They represent about half of the total entry on Drakes stay in Marin.

June 17, 157

In 8 deg.0 min. We fell in with a fit and convenient harbor and June 17, came to anchor there, where we stayed till the July. During all which time, not withstanding it was the height of summer, we were continually visited with nipping cold, neither could we at any time within a fourteen day period find the air so clear as to be able to take height the sun or stars.

The next day after our coming to anchor, the people of the country showed themselves; sending off a man with great expedition to us in a canoe. Who but being a little from the shore and a great way from our ship began to speak to us continually as he came rowing on. At last at a reasonable distance he stopped and began a solemn, long and tedious oration, using many gestures and signs and after returned to the shore again. He brought with him (as a present from the rest)a bunch of feathers, much like the feathers of a black crow, very neat and artificially gathered on a string and drawn around into a bundle; being very clean and finely cut, each equal length with the other, which they (as we after observed) who guard the king wear. They also brought a little basket of an herb they call “tabah,” both of which being tied to a short rod he cast into our boat Our General (Drake) sough to recompense him but he refused anything but a hat we threw into the water.

The third day having received a leak at sea our ship was brought nearer the shore, so that her goods being landed the ship could be repaired. Our General first landed all his men with all provisions to build tents and make a fort for the defense of ourselves and goods.

At this time, being willed by signs to lay from them their bows and arrows, they did as they were directed and so did all the rest coming by more and more to a great number both of men and women. Nothing could persuade them or remove that opinion, which they had conceived of us, that we should be gods.

In recompense of those things which they had received from us shirts, linen and cloth, they bestowed on our General feathers, capes of network, quivers of arrows made of fawn skin and other skins the women wore.

Having thus had their fill of visiting and looking at us they departed with joy to their houses which are dug round in the earth and have from the uppermost rim of the circle poles of wood set up and joined close at the top like our spires on a church, which being covered with earth allow no water to enter and are very warm, the door in the most of the also serves as a chimney to let out the smoke. Their beds are the hard ground only with rushes strewn upon it and lying around about the house they have their fire in the middle which gives a marvelous reflection to their bodies to heat the same.

Their men for the most part go naked, and the women take tule reeds and combing it after the manner of hemp make themselves a loose garment which knitted about their middle hangs down about their hips, they also wear deerskin. They are very obedient to their husbands.

At the end of three days were assembled a greatest number of people who we guessed lived in the area. Amongst them was the king himself, a man of goodly stature and handsome with his guard of about 100 tall and warlike men who this day came to see us. After two Ambassadors were sent to let us know the king desired to see us and the General giving them a gift for the king as a sign of peace, they returned a soon their king came forward with his train. They cried continually in a singing manner with a lusty courage and as they drew nearer they adopted a certain gravity in all their actions. In the front came a large man bearing a scepter (made of black wood about four feet long). Hanging from it were two crowns with three chains of a marvelous length and often doubled and a bag of Tabah. The crowns were made of knit work, wrought upon most curiously with feathers if different colors, very artificially placed and of a formal fashion.

The chains seemed to be of a bony substance; every link being very little, thin and most finely burnished, with a small hole pierced through the middle in a manner infinite. Persons are limited what number they wear, some ten some twenty depending their rank and honor.

The king had on his head a cowl of knit work made somewhat like the crowns; upon his shoulders he had a coat of rabbit fur (or squirrel). His guard had coats of the same shape, but of other skins some having cowls with feathers or down which grows on a herb like our lettuce. After these were the naked sort of common people, whose hair being long did gather in a bunch behind, in which plumes of feathers were stuck. but in the front only one feather which they wore as they pleased.

Every one had his face painted, some white, some black and some with other colors and each man had for us a present or gift of some kind. The last part were the women and children each women carrying one or two round baskets and bags of Tabah and a root called Petah, which they make a kind of meal, fish, seeds and the down mentioned before. Their baskets are made like a deep bowl and though made of rushes would hold water, about the brims were hung pieces of pearl shell two or three links at once and worked with down of red feathers.

They are a people of a tractable, free and loving nature, without guile or treachery; their bows and arrows(their only weapons) they use very skillfully, but yet not to do any great harm with them. They are so strong of body that which two or three our men could hardly carry they could pick up and carry an English mile; they are swift in running and for long periods and seldom walk but for the most part run. If they chanced to see a fish near the shore they seldom miss the chance to catch it.

The inland we found to be far different from the shore, a goodly country stored with many blessings for man. Fat deer by the thousands, a multitude of small creatures that resemble rabbits, the people eat them and use the skins.

Our general caused to be set up a monument of our being there; as also of her majesty (Queen Elizabeth) and successors right and title to that kingdom, namely a plate of brass, fast nail to a great and firm post; where upon is engraved her graces name and the day and year of our arrival there....her picture and arms in a sixpence put in a hole in the plate underneath which was engraved the name of our General.

Mind that the sample papers like december presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

death penalty

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like death penalty even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like death penalty in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

A Death for a Death?

“Dead Man Walking!” This sound rings through each and every death row inmate numerous times a day. Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics among Americans today. In the past, people have invariably felt that if they had been wronged in some way, it was his or her right to take vengeance on the person that had wronged them. This mentality still exists even today, but in a lesser form because the law has now outlined a person’s rights and developed punishments that conform to those rights, yet we allow for retribution for their crime. However, some feel that those laws and punishments are too lax and that criminals of today take advantage of them. To kill or not to kill?

This is an extremely controversial question in today’s society. Since we all have our own opinions on this topic, the question always raised is “Is it morally right.” I personally think that the death penalty must be abolished. There are many reasons that society uses when imposing “punishment”. Deterrence is defined, as “the punishment should fit the crime”. Under this concept, the individual committing the crime and society are prevented from committing this action again. In the case of death penalty, an individual kills another human and he is “punished” for it by death. Punishment is supposed to be a temporary penalization for a wrongful action. Death is far from temporary. One is to learn from one’s mistakes. How can the person learn if they are paying for their mistake with their life? By imposing death penalty the individual does not learn from their mistakes and neither does the society.

The society is confused as to what is “right”. Some people think that restitution is granted when one is sentenced to death penalty. However, if a loved one is murdered and his family feels justice in having the murderer done the same, is it not considered equally demented? Forgiving and forgetting are entirely out of the question, but one should consider the concept of regret and remorse. One is only human and no one can expect any more. Everyone deserves a second chance because they are all capable of reformation. Capital punishment is a mistake. A mistake is a mistake, no matter whom it may harm or what destruction it may cause. It is now a modern world based on logic and transformation. Must we commit a crime to justify another? If capital punishment was solely based on punishing the wrongdoers, there would be no one left to inject the needle or pull the lever. Everyone would be trying to fit into the chair.

In conclusion, people should have a second chance in life. What good can a death from a death bring us? Nothing. People should have to suffer misery in jail, not take their souls away. I don’t necessarily feel that it is cruel and unusual punishment, however I do believe that the death penalty has a tendency to be racially biased. Furthermore, there is no evidence proving that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than other punishments, such as life imprisonment. For these reasons and more, I believe that the death penalty is an irrational form of punishment.

Mind that the sample papers like death penalty presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Compare Drama of Film to your own Vision of Play

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Compare Drama of Film to your own Vision of Play even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Compare Drama of Film to your own Vision of Play in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The film has a lot more going on in the story than the play as the director takes more liberties. You can see the characters true feelings in the film as well because of the way they act and their facial expressions. I suppose the play is harder to grasp than the film as it is much more complex. However, they obviously have the same plan and most things are the same or similar. The differences could have a difference on how you feel about each character I have decided that Stanley is made out to be the enemy in the play but in the film it is Blanche who is annoying.

At the beginning of both the film and play there is jazz music playing and the atmosphere is very lively and busy. We can also see that Blanche is shocked at where her sister lives and how uncomfortable she feels. However, in the film it shows Blanche walking into the bowling bar and looking really uncomfortable, which isn’t included in the play. Also Blanche drinks alcohol straight away and there is drinking throughout the play in both the play and film.

In the play it is known that Stella loves Stanley so much and that she would do anything for him. Although what she says to Blanche when she first comes to visit her sister is added to the film.

Isn’t he wonderful looking?

This proves that Blanche is smitten with Stanley, as it is one of the first things she says to her sister. When Blanche tells Stella that she isn’t well and doesn’t want to be alone, we can see how important staying with her sister means to Blanche, but in the play we cannot really tell if she means it or if she’s being over dramatic. Blanche starts to annoy the audience in the film because when she is talking to Stella about the loss of Belle Reve and her employment she continues talking and talking, which can get on your nerves. Also, she looks for sympathy from her sister about this, which can also be very irritating as she is being fake and we there is more to it that Blanche doesn’t mention. The play doesn’t really give us this outlook of Blanche as we see it as she is very lonely and that she just wants her sister to understand how she feels.

There is obviously an attraction between Stanley and Blanche as soon as they meet. In the play we are shown this but not to an extent that there would be anything done about it. Similarly in the film the attraction is exposed but the flirtation is emphasised a lot more. Stanley takes his top off and flaunts his body, while this is happening there is music in the background that is of a suggestive nature. In the play we cannot see this, all we know is that there is a slight attraction as they stare at each other and they are both quite desirable.

Drawing involuntarily back from his stare.

When Stanley thinks that Blanche is up to something he begins to confront her. In the play he knows Blanche is lying straight after they are introduced. This also happens in the film but for extra effect as he does so he repeats one phrase until she answers; this is to get the truth out of her.

You were married once, weren’t ya?

Mind that the sample papers like Compare Drama of Film to your own Vision of Play presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Compare and Contrast: "A Childrens Hour" and "The Crucible"

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Compare and Contrast: "A Childrens Hour" and "The Crucible" even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Compare and Contrast: "A Childrens Hour" and "The Crucible" in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

One girl’s lies change her own life, impact her entire community, and destroy the lives of those she accuses. This sounds ironic and rare enough to occur once, however this same theme is in both “The Crucible” and “A Children’s Hour.” Mary Tilford tells a lie about her two teachers to save herself from the repercussions of her bad behavior while attending their school in “A Children’s Hour.” Abigail Williams tells lies about her whole community, for the same reason of self-preservation, in “The Crucible.” The lies of Abigail Williams and Mary Tilford in “the Crucible” and “A Children’s Hour” destroy the lives of those around them; making both directly linked to death, deceit and destruction.

Abigail Williams in “The Crucible” begins trouble in her community with one simple lie to save herself. Abigail is found practicing witchcraft in the woods, and rather than simply admitting to participating, she claims that a servant from the community made her perform witchcraft. Abigail blaming the incident in the woods on Tituba causes a chain reaction, soon after the whole town is swarming with accusations of witchcraft and work of the Devil. Many of those accused for witchcraft are hung; making it possible to directly link Abigail and innocent people’s deaths. Abigail’s selfishness causes grief and devastation in her community, all because she was afraid of persecution for an action she willingly took part in.

Similarly, Mary causes grief in her community; and she, too, can be directly linked with an innocent person’s death. Mary is a “trouble-maker” at the school she attends, and fears the punishments for her actions. To save herself, she accuses her two teachers, Karen Wright and Martha Dobie, of a sexual embrace, which she claims to have viewed through a keyhole. Mary’s accusations of lesbianism over these two best friends, one of whom was engaged, causes their school to be shut down, and internal conflict of the friends and their families. Karen’s fiance eventually leaves her, and Martha ultimately commits suicide, all in the wake of Mary’s simple lie.

Abigail and Mary bring about three main objectives with their lies death, deceit and destruction. Both girls, not yet adults, are to blame for the deaths of people that were simply there and easily used as scapegoats. Abigail being the main cause for several deaths

in her community, and Mary being the cause for Martha’s suicide, still show no strong signs of remorse for their actions. Abigail and Mary deceive those around them easily, and few in their community question them at all. The very few that do question them do not have the opportunity for their opinions to be heard, causing an almost dogmatic law from these young women’s mouths. Their deceitfulness and ability to manipulate their townspeople’s opinions causes mass destruction in their communities; breaking families, taking lives, and ruining relationships.

Destruction, deceit and death all carried out and caused by two girls and, strangely enough, motives from the girls were not questioned, merely accepted. In “The Crucible” and “A Children’s Hour,” Abigail Williams and Mary Tilford were to blame for ultimately causing chaos in their communities. From talk of sexual orientation, to frenzy of the work of the devil and witchcraft, Mary and Abigail wrecked havoc to save themselves, and didn’t look back. “The Crucible” and “A Children’s Hour” clearly illustrate how, lies, indeed, destroy lives.

Mind that the sample papers like Compare and Contrast: "A Childrens Hour" and "The Crucible" presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Caeser even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Caeser in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Act 1 Scene 1

1. Who are Marullus and Flavius?

They are tribunes who, in this scene, shame workers for celebrating Caesars victory over Pompeys forces. They are very jealous of Caesars growing popularity and are afraid that if, Caesar begins to think too highly of himself, then their noble stature will decline.

. Why were Marullus and Flavius argry with the commoner?

They were argry because, when Pompey was in power, they celebrated and rejoiced Pompeys triumphs, but now that Caesar is in power, they celebrate his triumphs. Marullus and Flavius do not agree with this switching of loyalities just to please the person who is in power at any given time.

. What puns or plays on words does Shakespeare make with the cobblers lines?

The puns and plays on words in this scene with the mechanicals would have appealed directly to the groundlings in Shakesperes day.

4. What can you infer about the crowd from the way that they are acting in the scene?

I can infer from the way the crowd are acting that they are very pleased with the fact that Caesar has taken

over power from Pompey. They are celebrating this by dancing, singing and shouting in the streets.

5. Who was Pompey?

Pompey was a mighty general and a learder of Rome. He was defeated by Caesar and later fled to

Egypt where he was captured and later beheaded.

Act 1 Scene

1. Who was Calpurnia?

Calpurnia was Caesars wife.

. What does the soothsayer say to Caesar?

He says, Beware the ides of March.

. What activity takes place at the lupercallian?

Caesar would like his wife, Calpurnia, to be touched by Antony, and thereby cured of her sterility.

4. What does Caesar want Calpurnia to do and why?

Caesar wants Calpurnia to get pregnant because Caesar is unable to produce children.

5. Who was Cicero?

Cicero was a Roman Senator.

6. How did the crowd react to Caesar refusing the crown?

The crowd cheered showing respect and confidence in him.

7. What did Caesar do after refusing the crown the third time?

After the third time refusing the crown, Caesar had some sort of attack afterwhich he fell. Brutus says later that Caesar was affected by epilepsy.

8. What will Cassius do to further convince Brutus to join the conspiricy?

He decides to forge letters which look like they are written by Roman citizens showing their fear of Caesars rise in power.

. What are the ides?

This refers to March 15th.

10. Caesar is superstitious on one hand but chooses to ignore the warning of the soothsayer. What does this imply about the character?

Caesars ignorance towards the soothsayers warnings leads to his eventual death.

11. How does Cassius try to turn Brutus against Caesar?

Cassius flatters Brutus by showing how much a noble man he is and how much the Roman citizens respect him.

1. Why does Caesar want fat men around him?

1. What further informantion do we learn about Caesars character?

We learn Caesars is an epilectic and is not physically well.

Act 1 Scene

1. What portentous things did Casca report to Cicero and how did he react?

Casca reported that he was picking up on bad omens. He was very concerned. Cicero asssumed that there was an explanation or reason for these bad omens.

. How did Casca interupt the unusual phenoninon?

Caxca thinks and worries that these are warnings and signs from the unhapply gods concerning the current state of Rome.

. What characters join the conspiracy in this scene?

The characters that join are Cinna and Casca.

4. How will Cinna help get Brutus to join the conspiracy?

He will do this by delivering the forged letters to Brutus.

5. How does the weather help build dramatic tension?

This dark, grey weather represents the evil which is about to take place in Rome. The dark gives an overall feeling of dread and badness.

6. How does Cassius use Cascas superstitious nature to convince him to join the conspiracy?

Casca is worried about the strange omens and bad weather which have occured throughout Rome. This allows Cassius to put his mind to rest by showing that thiese evil feelings and omens are against Caesar.

Act Scene1

1. Who is Lucius?

Lucius is Brutuss servant.

. What reasons does Brutus have for thinking it might be necessary to get rid of Caesar?

Brutus believes that it would be impossible for Caesar to be so high in power without thinking less of the people below him.

. What was the purpose of planting notes for Brutus to find?

The purpose of this is so that Brutus could think that the citizens of Rome are worried about Caesars rise in power.

4. Who came to visit Brutus in his orchard?

Cassius and the conspirators.

5. Name the conspirators.

Cassius, Casca, Brutus, Cinna, Metellus, Trebonius, and Ligarius.

6. Cassius wants the conspirators to swear they will go through with the plan to kill Caesar. What does Brutus say?

Brutus says their cause should be strong enough to bind them together.

7. Why do the conspirators fear Caesar may decide not to go to the Capital?

If Caesar doesnt go the opportunity to kill him is lost.

8. Explain the discussion about Cicero.

The discussion is about whether or not they should bring Cicero into the conspiracy.

. Who is Portia?

Portia is Brutuss wife.

10. Who was Ligarius?

Ligarius is the last to join the conspiracy.

11. Give an example in history of a leader popular with the people who later became terancal?

Bush - Sadann Hussan.

1. Why would Brutus be against including someone like Cicero who would not follow anything that other men began?

Because he wants someone to go by his plan and do things his way without having their own opinion.

1. Why do you think Brutus does not want the conspirators to swear to kill Caesar?

Brutus believes that the cause should be strong enough to bind them together.

14. Which lines tell how Brutus thinks the Roman citizens would regard them if they killed Anthony as well as Caesar?

He says ,Which so appearing to the common eyes. We shall be called prugers, not murders. And for Mark Anthony, think not of him, for he can do no more that Caesars when Caesars head is off..

15. Of what proof of her devotion does Portia remind Brutus?

Portia stabs herself showing her strength and devotion to him.

Act Scene

1. Why does Calperna tell Caesar not to go to the Capital?

She does this because of the nightmares she experiences. She is awakened three times worried about Caesars murder and speaks of bad omens and bad weather.

. What did Auguires advise?

Augures recommended that Caesar stay home.

. Who convinces Caesar to go to the Capital and how?

Decius says that the Senate has decided to give the crown that day.

4. What makes it fairly easy for Decius to convince Caesar to go to the Capital?

He says if Caesar wasnt to attend that the minds of the Senators might be changed regarding the crown. He said that Caesar would also loose public favor if the mind of a leader is put in fear by a woman.

Act Scene

1. Who is Artemidorus? What has he done?

He is a teacher of Rhetoric. He reads a letter in which he wrote informing Caesar of Brutus and the rest of the conspirators.

. How does this brief scene create supense ?

This builds suspense because he is said to think that the virtue embodied by Caesar may be destroyed by the ambitious envy of the conspirators.

Act Scene 4

1. Why does Portia send Lucius to the Capital?

Portia sends Lucius because she wants him to spy and report back to her.

. Did Brutus ever have a chance to tell Portia about the plans?

No, because of an interuption by the soothsayer.

. Why does Portia act like nothing is wrong and tell Lucius to simply go to the Capital and come bacK?

Act Scene 1

1. What does Metellus ask Caesar?

He asks Caesar if his brother would be granted permission to return after being banished from Rome.

Who stabbed Caesar first?

Casca stabbed him first.

. Who stabbed Caesar last?

Brutus stabbed him last.

4. Why does Cassius and Brutus say they did Caesar a favor by killing him?

They say this because it shortens the time he would have to spend fearing death.

5. After assissination, Anthony sends his servant to talk to Burtus. Why?

He sends him to notify him that he loved Caesar, but will now vow to serve Brutus.

6. What does Mark Anthony ask of the conspirators?

He asks that if they have planned to kill him also, to do it now beside Caesars body.

7. What does Mark Anthony predict will happen because of Caesars death?

He predicts that there will be much sorrow and that Rome will be in great trouble.

8. Who was Octavius?

He is Caesars adopted son and the appointed successor.

. What does Anthony tell Octaviuss servant?

He tells him to return to Octavius and keep him far from the city because was much too dangerous for him.

10. From his dying statement, what can you infer about Caesars reaction to the assassination?

Caesar is heartbroken. He cant believe that the noble man, Brutus, is killing him. He says, Et tu Brute.

11. What is your reaction to Caesars and Brutuss statement that they saved Ceaesar twenty years fear of death?

I was surprised that they could justify the killing of Caesar in this way, as if they had somehow done him a hugh favor by killing him now instead of later.

Act Scene

1. In Brutuss funeral speech, what reasons does he give for the death of Caesar?

He says that he didnt kill him out of lack of love, but because love for Rome was more important.

. What does Brutus say would have happened to the people if Caesar had remained alive and in power?

Brutus says that he feared Caesar would look down upon the lower class Romans and use them for slaves under his leadership.

. Who does Brutus say are the only ones that the conspirators offended by killing Caesar?

Brutus says they have offended no one.

4. How do the people react to Brutus.s speech.

They clap, cheer and show kindness to Brutus.

5. What does Brutus volunteer to do if the people desire it?

He volunteers to act like Caesar in every way, if desired.

6. Brutus asks a favor of the people. What is it?

Brutus asks the people to be kind and listen to Anthony as he gives a speech.

7. How do the people react to Anthonys speech?

They react to his speech in a very positive manor. They are touched and feel sory for Caesar.

8. What does Anthony say happens to the good that men do after they die?

Anthony thinks that the good done in this life is rewarded in the next.

. What happens to the evil? Do you agree?

10. What things does Anthony point out to show that Caesar is no ambitious? Does he actually come out and say that Caesar was not ambitious? How does he get the crowd to see things his way/

He points the damage that Brutus and Cassius cause. Also, he shows how Caesar loved and trusted Brutus and yet ended up being killed by him.

11. How does Anthony appeal to peoples greed?

Anthony appeals to them by reading the will and announcing that Caesar had planned to leave money to each citizen of Rome.

1. What does Anthony keep saying about the conspirators?

He keeps saying that they are killers and deserve to be punished.

1. Who arrives at Rome at the end of this scene, at the end of Anthonys speech?

Octavius arrives and proceeds to Caesars home.

14. What does Brutus and Cassius do while Anthony is speaking? What do you think they say to one another as they leave town?

I think they were descussing how the decision not to kill Mark Anthony was a poor one.

Act Scene

1. Who is Cinna in this scene.

Cinna the poet.

. What happens to him?

A crowd forms asking his name. They mistake him for Cinna the constirator and therefore kill him.

. Why do you think Shakespear included this scene in the play/

I think he included this scene in the play becauses it shows how much of a mess Rome was in and that there was enough evil to kill a poet.

4. Give an example of mob rule in modern life.

I think an example of mob rule today is the way people are killed because of the color of their skin.

Act 4 Scene 1

1. A second triumburait has been formed. Of whom does it consist?

It consists of Anthony, Octavius, and Lepidus.

. What are the three new rulers planning to do?

They are planning to go to war and also kill the conspirators and take control of Rome.

. What does Anthony save about Lepidus after he leaves?

He asks Octavius if he is a big enough man to help rule Rome.

4. In this scene we see a different side of Anthony. What does he say that seems out of character with this simple, honest man he seems to be in the previous act?

He insults Lepidus by calling him a mere tool.

Act 4 Scene

1. Who is Lucius?

He is Brutuss servant.

. Who is Pindarus?

He is a slave to Cassius.

. What does Lucius say about the way Cassius treated him?

4. What does Brutus mean by a friend who is cooling using an enforced ceremony?

Cassius charges Brutus with having condemned one of the men for taking bribes.

5. When Brutus realized that Cassius was angry, what did he urge him not to do?

Cassius tells Brutus not to torment him any more, for Cassius is a soldier and will fight.

Act 4 Scene

1. Why is Cassius angry?

He is angry because he thinks that Brutus is punishing his friend Lucius for taking bribes.

. What does Brutus accuse Cassius of ?

He accuses him of unjust methods of raising money.

. What did Brutus ask Cassius for that he had not received?

He asked him for the money that he was supposed to send him to help pay for the troops.

4. What did Casssius offer to let Brutus do?

5. What is really bothering Brutus?

Brutus is bothered by the death of his wife Portia and also he is worried about Cassius and him fighting and how it will affect their bond.

6. The night before Cassisu and Brutus plan to fight the forces of Octavius and Anthony, what disturbs the sleep of Brutus?

Brutus is bothered by the ghost of Caesar who says they will meet at Philippi.

7. What warning is given to Brutus?

8. What reason does Cassius give for the army not marching to Philippa?

Cassius tells Brutus to stay where they are, let the ememy use their energy and supplies and they he would have the advantage.

. Why do you think Cassius goes along with Brutuss plan to march ?

Brutus had him convined that the march would make the soldiers stronger and also they may pick up some soldiers along the way.

10. Explain why you think Portia killed herself.

I think Portia found out about the conspiracy, feared for the safety of herself and her husband, and thought that that was the best way out.

11. Why do you think Shakespear included this scene in the play?

I think he included this scene to foreshadow the disaster that was about to happen with the appearing of Caesars ghost.

Act 5 Scene 1

1. How many times did Caesar get stabbed?

He was stabbed twice.

. Why does Brutus tell Octavius, Young man, though couts, die more honorable.

Brutus tells Octavius this because he is determined to take revenge of Caesars death and the conspirators are killed.

. What new omens does Cassius report to Messala ?

The new omens are a few of the large eagles which landed on the bannors and remain there eating food from the soldiers. When the troops marched to Phillipi, the eagles also followed.

4. Why do you think Shakespear included this scene ?

I think he included this scene so that the battle would occur bringing Brutus, Cassius, Anthony and Octavius together .

5. what is Cassiuss prediction of the outcome of the battle?

Cassius predicts that if they are not victorious in this battle, they shall never have the opportunity to talk to one another. Also, they will be taken back to Rome and dragged through the streets.

6. How does Brutus feel about sucide in general?

Brutus believes that it is a cowardly act and an easy way out.

7. What does Brutus pledge he will never do?

Brutus pledges that he must finish what he started on March 15th even if he must die doing it.

Act 5 Scene

1. What effect does this brief scene have?

The scene is used to show how the battle is progressing and also how Brutus thinks he has the advantage over Octavius.

Act 5 Scene

1. What does Cassius tell Titinius?

He tells him to ride by horse to the troops and inform them that they are either his friends of his enemies.

. What is Pindarus supposed to do?

Pindarus is asked by Cassius to climb to the top of the mountain and observe Titinius and observe what he is up to.

. How does Pindarus misinterupt what he sees ?

When he sees him surrounded by men he thinks he sees Titinius being captured when really he isnt.

4. What does Cassius then have Pindarus do?

Cassius wants Pindarus to stab with the sward used to kill Caesar.

5. What does Titinius do when he finds Cassiuss body?

He is sad over the misunderstanding and then, becauses he feels responsible, he stabs himself.

6. How is the action in this scene an excellent example of irony?

The irony in this scene is that Cassius stabs Caesar, his friend, and Cassius in the end is also killed by his friend.

7. How does Caesars ghost enter into the action of this scene?

Brutus believes that the ghost had something to do with the death of Cassius. His spirit and influence help cause the death of Cassius.

Act 5 Scene 4

1. How does Lucilius keep from being killed?

Lucilius convinces the soldiers that he is Brutus and therefore taken to Anthony.

. Why does Anthony instruct the soldiers to track Lucilius well ?

He wants to insure his safety.

Act 5 Sceme 5

1. What does Strato do for Brutus?

Strato looks away while Brutus commits suicide.

. Why does Brutus say, Caesar, now be still. ; I kill not thee with half as good a will.

This means that Brutus had a harder time taking the life of Caesar, then taking his own life.

. What does Anthony say about Brutus when he finds him dead?

Anthony says that Brutus was a distinguished citizen and only one of the conspirators that was not motivated by jealouscy.

Mind that the sample papers like Caeser presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Advertisment and effects on society

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Advertisment and effects on society even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Advertisment and effects on society in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

One in every 15 fathers had a child while they were a teenager. Sex and birth rates in the United States, are among the highest of developed countries (Siecus 1). The issue of sex and the use of protection have been hammered through out the world with various types of ads. Television, magazine, and billboards are the top advertisements for companies. For every woman out there having a child out of wedlock, there is also a man behind the picture. In this commercial, for ZaZoo condoms, they simply demonstrate what happens when you do not use a condom. They make the point very clear.

As the commercial starts off, there is a young father with his 4 or 5 yr old son shopping at the grocery store. The father who is wearing a black jacket, blue shirt, brown slacks, and black shoes is pushing the shopping cart full of fruit and vegetables. The little boy has on a grey sweat jacket; a red shirt faded blue jeans and is a little cute boy. In the background are a man and a woman in the meat section browsing for their selection. The father stops to browse through the last aisle in the store and the kid reaches for a big bag full of goodies. The father goes to grab something off the shelf and the little boy throws in a bag of candy. The little boy looks up at his father with puppy dog eyes begging him to let it stay. The father takes the bag throws it back in on to the shelf, then the boy looks at him with a weird I hate you look. Then the little boy grabs the bag again throws it in the cart they are shopping with, folds his arms and looks straight up at his dad. Then the dad puts it back on the shelf, looks at his young son and his son starts to yell and cry. The little boy is screaming like a siren and keeps saying, “I want the big bag”. The scruff looking father puts his finger to his mouth telling the little boy to be quiet. The little boy is screaming so loud everyone in the entire grocery store can hear him. As he keeps repeating “I want the big bag”. Tears are coming out of the little boy’s eyes as he continuously yells and screams the same phrase over and over again. The father takes a deep breath in with the look on his face indicating that he’s unsure what to do. The little boy is now shaking the shopping cart back and forth and making quite a big scene. A lady in the produce section looks at the little kid then the father and you can see she is thinking, “Take control of your child.” Two other people in the same section also give him dirty looks. The boy runs over to another section of the grocery store screaming and yelling, and then he picks up an item that looks to be a toy and starts throwing it on the ground in a rage of fury. He then runs over to the produce section and starts tossing vegetables on the floor. Then he rolls around on the floor moving his feet and arms while screaming. Then the last thing you see is the father looking down at the floor with the phrase “Use condoms.” The commercial then goes to the product icon it is selling, ZaZoo condoms. There catch phrase is “fun, sexy, safe” (ZaZoo).

This type of advertisement is a good lesson in safe sex. The company, ZaZoo, who made this commercial chooses a pretty good approach on why to buy there product. The target audience is most likely in the teens to upper 40’s. This advertisement appeals to the target audience for one simple fact, most of us do not want to have unwanted kids. This advertisement shows the effects of not practicing safe sex. The values that this advertisement appeals to are those involved in the practice of safe sex in our society. Since 16 the teen birthrate has dropped 8 percent over a 5 year span (Planned 1). This particular advertisement helps the viewing audience and the target audience by showing the importance of condoms and why they are good for you. Granted the company is helping society become a little wiser about safe sex, but it is also trying to make a profit by showing off their particular brand of condoms.

This particular television advertisement depicts a lot of different images from our society. The grocery store, where the kid throws his fit, is the most common public place for a kid to embarrass his or her guardian. It is many parents’ nightmare, especially new found fathers, to have their kid embarrass them in public in front of their own group of peers. Most kids who live in our society are bratty and think they can get whatever they want. They will throw a fit to get what they want, when they want it. Parents are not taking control of their kids. Often it is because parents did not want to become parents, but became ones because of there reckless actions when they did not use a condom or a form of birth control. Premarital sex is accepted by most people in our society. This advertisement also implies that if you use a condom you will not have a child, which is not entirely true. A recent study shows that 8.7 percent of condoms either break or slip off during intercourse. (Glover 55) Also, this commercial portrays that having a child wrecks your life when you are not ready for one.

Using condoms, such as the one in the advertisement, ensures safe sex. Safe sex significantly decreases the chance of unwanted pregnancies. The advertisement directly appeals to the target audience, men in their teens to mid-forties, by accurately depicting the fears most men have in regards to unsafe sex. This accurate depiction brings the fear home. The advertisement also conveys things about American society. People in America are having pre-marital sex, and a child can wreck havoc on someone who was not ready to have children. Therefore, this advertisement makes the solution to those fears simple “Use condoms.”

Mind that the sample papers like Advertisment and effects on society presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

accept men as they are

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like accept men as they are even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like accept men as they are in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Albert Ellis, the author, says that “in plain English, that you‘d better deal with the fact that most males are much more interested in sex than love.” He believes that it is just in a man’s trait to be interested in sex, and that women should just take it as it; because he argues that is not that why a woman wants a man in the first place. He argues that women complain about how men only care about sex, or how men only care about their work and not about their homes or families. Most men are more interested in sex than love, that they are physically satisfied after having sex. He argues that if a woman really wants a man; he says to understand the fact that every man is always going to want sex. He says that a woman should understand a man’s manly traits. Throughout the essay the author’s argument is somewhat understandable and somewhat not understandable.

I agree with Albert Ellis about how men only want sex, how men will love a women only after getting her to bed. And how many men would do anything to get a woman in bed; they would do such things like sipping her drugs in drinks or forcing her to drink more than she can handle, etc. The author believes that majority of the men will be satisfied and will do anything to be sexually satisfied. I had a friend where she was deeply in love with a guy since she was a freshman in high school and she would wish everyday that he will be her boyfriend. My friend liked him a lot, she sent him a lot of hints, and she tried so hard to get him. And finally one day that guy came up to her and asked her out. They have only gone out for a month, and the guy told her that he wanted to have sex with her. My friend slept with him; she had slept with him because she loved him, and she thought that he loved her. She believed she was ready to have sex because she loved him. After that day, the guy stopped calling her and ignored her calls. She later saw him, and he was holding hands with another girl. She later found out that the only reason he got with her was because he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, and he was “sexually frustrated” so he took advantage of my friend. My friend became very angry, she was so devastated; she had sex with him because she loved him and thought that he loved her, but it was all a lie. There are a lot of men that would do anything to get a woman in bed, and to become sexually pleasured. Like what the author said, most males are much more interested in sex than love. The fact is the female will love before sex, and the male love after sex.

However, I believe the author is being to harsh on the fact that it will be hard for a woman to find a man, because men only want sex. There are many men searching for their true love as well, and they want to meet the right person to whom they can devote themselves too. I knew a guy that had a crush on a girl for a long time, he would always write love letters to her and he would always send her gifts. Finally, he got the guts to ask her out. The girl said yes and they started going out, he began to really love her, he was so happy that he was with her. His girlfriend wanted to take everything slowly; she told him that she wanted to have sex after she gets married. He respected the fact that she wanted to take things slow. His girlfriend was so happy that he respected her feelings that she began to love him more. And now I hear that they have kids and are having a great marriage. Just like my friend, there are a lot of men who respect a woman’s feelings, and they know that they should take a relationship slowly. When the author quotes, “he will be more sexually demanding, less devoted to the children, more fickle, more absorbed in outside affairs, less warm and romantic, less sociable, and more interested in some silly sporting events than you. Tough!” He’s statement was being to judgmental, there are a lot of men who love children, who can be warm and romantic, and more sociable. The author is too broad when he asks about how men only want sex, and that women should just take it that way. Men will and can be sweet and caring to a person they truly love.

In conclusion, I agree with the author’s view about how men only want to be sexually pleasured, and that they are more interested in sex than love. About how men will love after they had sex and how women will love before sex. However, there are some I disagree with, about how men will not find a true love, and that it is going to hard for a woman to find one because all men care about is sex. The author believes that the women should just accept men as who they are because the only main thing that men are interested in is sex, and that it will never change. He quotes “after all, he’s a man. And isn’t that why you wanted him in the first place?

Mind that the sample papers like accept men as they are presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

A World Unknown - (My Trip to Europe)

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like A World Unknown - (My Trip to Europe) even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like A World Unknown - (My Trip to Europe) in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

A World Unknown (My Trip to Europe)

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed about traveling overseas. Strange lands, exciting places, and new cultures have always fascinated me. Ive always wondered what it would be like to speak another language, to grow up learning different customs, or to live in a completely different way than I do now. Three years back my dream finally came true. I got to travel to England, France, Switzerland, and Germany with my family and suddenly the world was at my fingertips.

Englands green hills and city life is unforgettable. Kensington, Westminster Abby, and Piccadilly Circus are just a few parts of London full of historic cathedrals, quaint little cafes, and amazing shopping places. Harrods, where the royal family shops, supposedly sells everything. Its loveliness attracts thousands of tourists, which include foreigners as well. My favorite experience in London was riding The Underground to see the Broadway play Fosse and watching the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. England overall is much different from the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.). The language spoken in England is English, whereas the official language spoken in the U.A.E. is Arabic, but they also speak English. Also, the currency in England, the Pound, is quite high compared to the U.A.E. Dirhams. However, driving on the left side of the road is hard to get use to.

The Eiffel Tower, The Arc de Triomphe, The Lourve, The obelisk, La Place de la Concorde, and Notre Dame are all located in the heart of Paris, France. Paris, with its French cuisine, romantic atmosphere and historical self-being fills you with a sense of complete contentment. Ill never forget sitting at a French cafe, eating a baguette, drinking mineral water, and watching the Parisians walk by. Pariss metro system makes going anywhere a fast and easy trip. With my knowledge of the French language and an idea about French life I came to love Paris.

Theres only one word to describe Switzerland and Germany, and thats beautiful. Quite the contrary to what I expected, both countries turned out to be extremely clean. There are not as many tourist attractions but the scenery alone is enough to keep you engaged. In Lucerne, Switzerland I went up Mt. Pilatus, tasted fine Swiss chocolate, browsed the famous coo-coo clocks, and even got to attend a folk dinner. At the dinner, I ate and drank while people serenaded us singing, dancing, and playing Swiss folk instruments. My family and I didnt spend very much time in Germany, but we managed the time we did have well. Some of my fondest memories there were eating what Germany happens to be known for; its sauerkraut and sausage, visiting Reims castle, and going to the Heidelburg disco tech (a nightclub type place).

After the fabulous days touring the four countries it was time to return to the U.A.E. I had made so many new friends, saw so many new things, and had so much fun and enjoyment of the essence. Going to Europe completely changed the way I looked at the world. I now respect different cultures. I never imagined how different the world outside my own in the U.A.E. really was. My adventure has left me wondering what the rest of the world is like. The active life of traveling in Europe filled me with a zest for life. Theres so much Ive never seen. Its a great big world and I cant wait to explore it.

Mind that the sample papers like A World Unknown - (My Trip to Europe) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

A Colorful Personality (analysis of the use of colors in The Great Gatsby)

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like A Colorful Personality (analysis of the use of colors in The Great Gatsby) even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like A Colorful Personality (analysis of the use of colors in The Great Gatsby) in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Very often, colors are used to describe a mood or a feeling. The bright colors of the rainbow are always cheerful, while the dark gray of storm clouds seem to hint gloominess or danger that lies ahead. However, every once and a while, colors are used to describe people or society. The colors that are used in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby are used in this way. The colors of green, white, and yellow/gold help characterize the main characters in the novel as well as society.

The first color that is introduced to is green. In the beginning, Nick describes a moment when he sees Gatsby stretching his arms out towards …a single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the end of a dock. (Fitzgerald 6) Later on in the novel, we learn that Gatsby associates this light with Daisy. Gatsbys time and effort is spent on winning Daisys heart. This is his American Dream. Here, the green light symbolizes Gatsbys hope for a reunion with Daisy. Gatsby has an ideal picture of Daisy in his mind that is nothing close to reality. He thinks that whatever he does, he will succeed in winning over Daisy. At one point in the novel, Gatsby and Daisy are in Gatsbys house looking out the window. The mist comes in and the green light vanishes from their view. Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance of that light had now vanished forever...Now it was again a green light on a dock. His count of enchanted objects had diminished by one. (Fitzgerald 8) Nick makes this observation. Gatsby now has the real thing, so the green light is no longer needed, so it fades away. However, the reader realizes that nothing can replace the ideal of Daisy that Gatsby has created in his mind. When the green light comes back into view, its telling the reader that yet another dream is out of his reach. No matter how much wealth he acquires, he will never achieve his dream. It eluded us then, but thats no matter-tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms out farther... (Fitzgerald 18) Nick mentions this at the end of the book as to say that the green light represents that everyone has something they long for that is far off in the distance.

Another color that is used as a symbol is white. White is often associated with Daisy. When she was young, she dressed in white and had a white roadster. She also referred to her girlhood as being a white-girlhood. (Fitzgerald 0) Now she has a white house that has airy-white rooms. Daisys name itself is ironic. Daisies themselves are white just like Daisy herself. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy--they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together… (Fitzgerald 187) The white gives Daisy an innocent and naive appearance. It helps characterize her as the unattainable enchanted princess. She uses this as an excuse for her foolishness and hides behind it. Jordan also uses the white symbolism to hide herself. She uses the mask as a shield and implies that she cannot have done anything wrong.

This also ties in with the symbolism of the color gold/yellow. Gold/yellow appears in the novel when dealing with the affluent. It mostly symbolizes old and realistic wealth, such as that of Tom and Daisy. ...she was always an enchanted object...and then as the Golden Girl... (Lelan S. Person, Jr. 166) The way Daisy is described in the previous statement supports the meaning behind the gold/yellow. Just like old money, Daisy is an unattainable object. Also, since she thinks that everything can be perfect with money, she is seen as the Golden Girl. The gold/yellow also stands for the decay of morals caused by wealth that then leads to death. “Daisy could have crashed into another car but, at the last minute, loses heart and runs Myrtle down.” (Samuels 80) This is a perfect example of moral decay. It is not moral to run over someone especially if it is done on purpose. The fact that Daisy could’ve hit another car instead of hitting Tom’s mistress just goes to show that wealth can cause people to deteriorate. It is also seen in Tom and Daisy. They live in East Egg, the one full of old rich people. They are so caught up in possessing wealth that their morals are actually decaying inside of them. No one really notices this because Tom and Daisy have innocence that says they cant have done anything wrong. The moral decay can also be seen in Gatsby. He buys a yellow car and with this he gives up many thing just to acquire this old wealth that Daisy is so attracted to. Yet, in the end, Gatsby doesn’t get what he wants and he is left dead. When you think about the combination of the white and gold/yellow symbolism you might see a physical apparition of an egg. Tom and Daisy are decaying inside (the yellow corresponds to the yolk), yet they are innocent looking on the outside (the white corresponds to the shell).

The colors are symbolized very thoroughly in this novel. It is easily seen how they characterize the main character. The green symbolism is seen through Gatsby as new aspiring wealth, while the white and gold/yellow symbolism is seen through Tom, Daisy and Jordan as old wealth. It helps us separate and understand the difference between the realists and idealists.

Works Cited

1) Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York Simon & Schuster, 15

) Person, Lelan S. Jr. “‘Herstory’ and Daisy Buchanan,” in American Literature, Vol. L, No. , May 178, pp. 50-57; excerpted and reprinted in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, Vol. 6, ed. Sharon K. Hall (Detroit Gale Research Company, 18), pp. 166.

) Samuels, Charles Thomas. Essay in Novels for Students, Vol. II, ed. Diane Telgen (Detroit Gale Research, 17), pp. 80.

Mind that the sample papers like A Colorful Personality (analysis of the use of colors in The Great Gatsby) presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Woolworths - proposed acquisition

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This report is aimed at providing an overview of the potential implications of Woolworths acquiring either Kmart or Target, and an overall consensus on whether this opportunity would be consistent with Woolworth’s investment and operating philosophy. The report suggests the benefits of undertaking an acquisition would significantly outweigh the costs. If Woolworths were to acquire Kmart or Target, this would significantly reduce the intense price competition currently affecting Big W, and would also enable Woolworths to continue in its pattern for sustained growth, and obtain a substantial share in the general merchandising market. A cost benefit analysis indicates that due to the similarities between Kmart and Big W’s product lines and operating philosophy, that Kmart is the most suitable takeover candidate.


Woolworths is currently in a position to undertake further acquisition activity in the marketplace. The company has consistently maintained its focus on

n Cost reduction strategies, and

n Acquisitions of core operations within the group.

in order to boost market share and continually achieve growth in profit margins.

The Retail sector currently presents a significant opportunity for Woolworths to substantially increase its market share in the sector, due to the current turmoil being experienced by Coles Myer.

Currently, Woolworths has the financial capacity to undertake acquisitions of Kmart or Target, and to acquire either of these retail giants would not only present substantial growth prospects for the company, but it would also lessen the impact of the highly competitive environment currently being experienced by Big W from these major players.

Alternatively, Big W has continually outperformed the market through its vigorous cost reduction strategies, and have demonstrated an ability to withstand the pressures from Kmart and Target. Experience indicates Big W will continue to succeed in the market, despite the highly competitive environment to which it is exposed.


Advantages of undertaking the proposed acquisition

n Kmart and Target currently represent the greatest competitive threat to Big W. Hence, to make an acquisition of either of these competitors would certainly reduce the competitive environment in which Big W operates.

n Acquiring either Kmart or Target would enable Woolworths to establish a substantial foothold in the general merchandising market, and would no doubt result in Woolworths becoming the most dominant player in this highly competitive market.

n The business divisions in which Kmart and Target operate, are very similar to the nature of the products sold by Big W stores. Hence, Woolworths has a great level of knowledge of the general merchandising market, the key success factors driving this market, and the competitive strategies adopted by Kmart and Target. Consequently, whilst there are significant business risks that result from acquisitions, many of these risks will be mitigated by the fact Woolworths already has the expertise required to succeed in this market.

n The decision to acquire either Kmart or Target will be driven by factors such as the

- acquisition costs involved

- current position held in the market

- competitive strategy adopted by the player

- nature of the products sold, including any niche market opportunities.

- financial position of the player

The above acquisition factors will be considered in more detail below, with regard to both Kmart and Target

Acquisition Costs Involved

The acquisition would require a substantial investment for Target or Kmart. However, an acquisition would certainly ensure that Woolworths sustained its growth and the advantages of a takeover would outweigh the costs.

Current Position held in the market

Both Kmart and Target currently fit the acquisition requirements expected by management, of high volume, low margins, leveraging the costs and internal efficiencies. In particular, the CEO (Corbett) has previously commented that Kmart represents the most ideal takeover target , given it operates on the same philosophy as Woolworths.

Competitive Strategy adopted by the player

Kmart currently offers value to its customers through its “lowest prices guarantee policy”

Target is renowned for its quality products at discounted prices.

Big W is currently affected by the intensity of this price competition in the market. Hence, an acquisition of Kmart or Target would reduce the impact of intense price competition on Woolworths.

Nature of the products sold, including any niche market opportunities

Kmart offers an extensive range of apparel, toys, sporting goods, bedding, kitchenware, outdoor furniture, music, tyre and auto-service, and electrical appliances.

Targest’ core businesses lie in womenswear, childrenswear, menswear, underwear, and homewears. Baby Target and Target Home ( a new concept home-wares store) have allowed target to establish niche opportunities.

Kmart’s product range is more consistent with the type of products promoted and sold by Big W stores.

Financial position of the player

Kmart’s sales increased by 5.6% in 1-00, to $,467.7 million. Strong sales and large growth was partly contributed to by intensive marketing campaigns. Kmart has continued to excel in the market, and achieved strong sales growth during 00.

Target experienced very difficult trading conditions during 000-01, producing results that were significantly below expectations. Profit margins were severely impacted by major stock clearances and weak apparel demand. However, Target’s performance recovered during 00, with the company reporting strong profit results of 51.7million, compared to its prior year losses of $.8 million.

Due to Kmart’s consistently strong operating performance, there is less financial risk in acquiring this business. The fact that Target has experienced more turbulent trading conditions in recent years, indicates Woolworths may be faced with potential losses from the acquisition,

and this is not a desirable outcome. Hence, the acquisition of Kmart currently appears to be the most financially viable proposition.

Disadvantages of undertaking the proposed acquisition (how these can be overcome)

n Potential intervention from the ACCC, as was evidenced during the acquisition of Franklins.

n Difficulties in ensuring the acquisition process is smoothly carried out.

n The substantial cash outlay required.

The potential outcome of not undertaking any acquisition

n Even if Woolworths does not go ahead with the proposed acquisition, the company still has the capacity and resources to expand its current Big W operations, and the CEO is confident that management can continue to employ strategies to drive sales in the existing business. Project Refresh, in particular, has been the major agent of change, delivering significant cost savings, and reorganising the way business is conducted. Further, Corbett believes the market has the capacity for 50 Big W stores across Australia.

n Big W has achieved excellent financial results for the past 5 years, and has undertaken a number of initiatives including a major upgrading to logistics systems and store refurbishments, which have resulted in operating efficiencies and reduced operating costs.

n The forecasts for Big W indicate the stores will continue to experience significant growth (.6% per annum), despite the competitive pressures from Kmart and Target. Experience also indicates that Big W has consistently achieved increases in market share during the difficult periods.

n Corbett also recognizes that low logistics and warehousing costs are the key to the Big W “everyday low prices” pricing strategy, and Target and Kmart employ “high-low” strategies; that is, they mark up everyday shelf prices in order to offer dramatic discounts periodically, such as 5 % of storewide. According to Corbett, the strategies being adopted by the major players are not as successful as those currently being employed by Big W.

n Many new initiatives are being trialled for Big W to ensure the company remains competitive. In March this year, the self-scanning technology was trialled at two Sydney Big W stores, allowing customers to scan and pay for purchases themselves. We are currently monitoring the system with regard to

- effectiveness

- impact on customers

Implementing the technology across all stores could provide Big W with a significant competitive edge over the other retailers, and allow for even greater efficiencies in the way Big W operates.


As a result of the above analysis, it is evident that the most financially viable and suitable takeover target is Kmart, due to the following factors

n Its consistent growth performance and potential for future growth.

n Its focus on high volumes, low prices, leveraging costs and internal efficiencies. (acquisition criteria)

n Its similar operating philosophy and product range to Big W.

n Its price competition strategy adopted in the marketplace.

The acquisition of Kmart would allow Woolworths to gain a substantial share in the general merchandising market, and allow the company to utilize its current expertise in the market to effectively position itself in the market and sustain the company’s growth. Whilst not undertaking any acquisition would not seriously inhibit the company’s ability to expand operations, the cost benefit analysis indicates that this takeover opportunity presents Woolworths with a viable investment opportunity that should not be ignored.

Mind that the sample papers like Woolworths - proposed acquisition presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Trasformational leadership

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1Transformational leadership

In the 80’s a new approach towards leadership appeared. As the market realities were changing rapidly, the competition was becoming fiercer and the shareholders were pressing in order to increase the value of the company a new concept of a transformational leader was becoming more and more popular.

The theory of leadership based on the notion of transformational leader was not looking for answers concerning what leaders are and what their style is. On the other hand it focused more on the decisions and actions the leaders take in order to be efficient and efficacious. Managers and leaders have different tasks and functions in the company. The manager responsibilities are to establish an order in the company and manage its complexity. The leaders are supposed to create a climate of entrepreneurship and involvement and shape the company according to the changes of the environment. To achieve these goals the leaders have to able to create a vision in the company and make people follow as well as possess the skills essential in the process of introduction of new procedures, rules and other changes crucial for the company if it is to follow the mission. The best example of such a leader possessing all the above mentioned predispositions and skills seems to be Jack Welch.

Jack Welch may be the most talked about and widely emulated manager in business history. Hes used his own uncanny instincts and unique leadership strategies to run GE, the most complex organization in the world, increasing its market value by more than $400 billion over two decades. Much has been said and written about how Welch has transformed what was an old-line American industrial giant into a keenly competitive global growth engine, how he has astutely moved the once-Establishment maker of things into services. Welch has reshaped the company through more than 600 acquisitions and a forceful push abroad into newly emerging markets.

Jack Welch succeeded as CEO due to several factors including his tremendous leadership skills. He was aware about the ways how of communicating key ideas to the rest of the staff persistently repeating it over and over, ultimately driving the messages home. His concept of change was also aggressive by clearly outlining what needs to be changed. When Welch intervenes, he is rarely indecisive. He was saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’, trying to avoid the word ‘maybe’.

As Welch became the CEO of the company in 181 the position and future of the company seemed to be secure. Nevertheless he was not satisfied with the performance despite the profit of the company. He tried to anticipate the future changes on the market and in his opinion without radical changes the company’s future was unsure and risky. He decided that the company has to reconsider the structure of the range of offered products and decrease the labour costs by layoffs. That step was made taking into consideration the increasing competitiveness of the Japanese producers as far as the quality and labour costs were concerned. Anticipating that a fierce competition on the market is inevitable he wanted to make the organisation more flexible and resistant. As he said the best moment to make decisions is before the crisis appears.

Jack Welch proved to be a great enemy of bureaucracy and procedures. He flattered the hierarchy in the company in order to improve the internal communication and speed up the decision making process. The exchange of information and lack of barriers was said to be crucial to make people work effectively. He strongly believed that the organisation should be simple, the decision made quickly without useless debates, meetings and discussions. As a result in the 0’s the phases of projection and introduction of new products to the market were much faster comparing to the competition.

Next step of the CEO was to change the managers that remained in GE into leaders. He wanted to have leaders that would make the employees follow the mission and the employees willing to do something by themselves. The employees were provided with trust and support so that they were willing to make some decision independently and take some risk. They simply started to have faith in themselves. By giving them this independence they were aware that they are personally responsible for the success or failure of the company. As Welch was saying less management is better management.

The other crucial advantage of Jack Welch is the ability to make use of the most effective strategies existing on the market. He knew that it takes time to develop an original strategy that may prove to be efficient in the future. That is why to make the process of modernisation faster and less risky he strongly supported the idea of introducing solutions and methods existing in other companies. According to him in that situation it was not wise to develop even best ideas but instead to look for them and introduce them as soon as possible. The whole strategy of GE was based on the process of learning. Welch tried to encourage all the employees, managers and ordinary workers, to look for solutions that may prove beneficial for the company. The idea of constant learning and improvement was one of the key issues that allowed GE to reach its current market position.

GE projects are usually successful because the managers were forced to face a difficult choice. As he introduced the program of 6 sigmas, created in Motorola, aiming at improvement of effectiveness and quality the managers had a chance to decide whether they want to become a part of it or not. If you were reluctant you had to look for another job. A year after all the remaining employees had to undergo the training. To emphasize the priority of this program Welch made it clear that almost 50 of the managers’ salary will depend on number of mistakes and quality of production.

Another idea implemented by Welch was the objective stretching. He assumed that budgeting is limiting the effectiveness of the company as there exists a natural tendency in each department to minimize the objectives it faces and maximize the resources spend on their realisation. It results in the situation when the company is stagnant. Objective stretching was said to be the best alternative. It consisted of two phases. In the first one the company wa assuming the partial objectives which were rational and possible to reach. In the second phase the objectives were stretched as high as possible. Although the objectives were almost impossible to realise Welch claimed that the results were much higher than if provide the staff with the achievable goals. Objective stretching is not that popular as very often it is hard to guess what the actual objective is. But that is what it is all about. As the objective is higher the motivation increases. No one will be motivated by the objectives that require only a little more effort.

Unquestionably Jack Welch turned out to be a leader possessing all the skills and predispositions to manage a company and make it successful. He is an excellent example of a transitional leader as he was able to establish a mission and make people follow in the same time being innovative and shaping the company according to the environment needs and anticipated changes.

Mind that the sample papers like Trasformational leadership presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!