Sunday, July 29, 2012

A doll's house

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like A doll's house even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like A doll's house in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The events begin to succeed each other more and more rapidly and the ‘circle’ begins to spin around her. We find that, for saving her husband’s life, Nora has committed forgery and Krogstad is ready to use this information in order achieve his goals ’’(…)if I produce this document in court, you’ll be condemned’’.(71) This element gives us a hint of women condition in a deeply- rooted man thought society . In addition, Dr. Rank, who had a lethal disease, confesses his love for her ’’ You know now that I’m at your service, body and soul’’.(80) All these events make the circle tighten and spin faster around Nora, who can hardly resist to this pressure and seeks the relief in wildly dancing the ‘tarantella’, a dance wich she transforms into a ‘ life and death’ one. This dance can also be viewed as an one of the key element that permits us to say that she’s passing from a state of passive victim to a n early state of active agent ’’ Nora dances more and more widly. Helmer stands by the stove giving her repeated directions as she dances ; she does not seem to hear them. ’’.(808) All the other characters’reactions, words and attitudes form the chain wich unbearably surrounds Nora and wich she will finally break, liberating herself from the lie she has been living in for many years-she firmly tells Helmer her decision ’’ I can’t stay here with you any longer (...). I’m leaving here at once’’.(81) In addition to this intimate inter-independence between Nora and the other four important characters (viewed as a whole), is the complexity of Helmer’s wife as a dramatic personage.Compared to the others, Nora is the most ‘ round’ character, one who we see evolving, in contrast with Helmer or Dr. Rank. More precisely, we discover two forms of evolution of this personage ‘external’ one, produced in the reader’s mind, as he discovers the purpose of her always asking money to the husband and having a ‘toy attitude’ with him ; . and the second evolution, more profound, wich implies the inner transformation of the character, tired of representing someone’s toy and desiring independence. The beginning of the play presents us a ‘squirrel-like’(775)woman, always wanting to please her husband in order to get money from him. She voluntarily accepts Helmer comparing her with a little animal and even seems to identify with this image ’’ Ah, if you only knew how many expenses the likes us sky-larks and squirrels have, Torvald’’(777). Nora appears completely submitted to her husband, ready to accept whatever he would say or do ’’ I would never dream of doing anything you didn’t want me to.’’(777) in order to satisfy her ( apparent) only preoccupation ’’ You could always give me money, Torvald’’. (776) The fog and confusion wich surrounded her and her attitude begin gradually to disappear as we find out that she had borrowed money to save Helmer’s life and she saves almost every penny her husband gives her in order topay the debt off. This stage of Nora’s ‘external’ evolution enables us to see a woman who deeply loves her husband, but who is not strong enough to fight against his prejudices ’’ Torvald is a man with a great deal of pride- it would be terribly embarrassing and humiliating for him if he thought he owed anything to me’’.(78) Moreover, she prefers fancying about a rich man who would give her the money she needs( a psychological escape from the constraints she lives in) than facing her husband. The two evolutions begin to coincide from the moment when Krogstad threatens Nora with telling Helmer that she has committed forgery. We ‘feel’ that something begins to change when contradictory feelings ‘invade’ her- love for the children, for the husband, and the desire to commit suicide ’’(…) never see the children again(…)Oh, that black icy water.Oh, that bottomless… !(817) On the other hand, she would do almost anything in order to regain her old lifestyle(that of a ‘doll’who passed from the father’s hands into that of the husband’s). The transformation seems to end with the firm decision to throw herself into the water after Helmer would have found out the hidden truth ’’Now you must read your letters, Torvald’’.(816) But it willnot come to an end until Nora really ‘discovers’ her husband ’’ Miserable woman… what is this you have done ?(…)Do you understand what you have done ?’’(817) contrasting with his reaction after finding that Krogstad has sent them back the ‘IOU’ ’’ Helmer I am saved ! Nora, I am saved ! Nora And me ? Helmer You too, of course… ’’.(818) From this moment, we assist to an incredible change from the submitted wife to the firm, decided Nora, who has the courage to leave her husband and children in quest of independence. Having dealt with the analyze of Nora and Mrs Linde’s attitudes and their relations with the other personages, we now turn to the author’s ‘relation’with his main characters ‘women’. Being a drama, ‘A Doll’s House’ has only the diialogues and the characters’ actions to reveal their emotions to the reader. Therefore Ibsen places Nora for the most part of the play in the center of the action ( she appears in all scenes except for the discussion between Krogstad and Mrs Linde) and eliminates any dialogue or event that would not have conributed to her evolution from passive vistim to active agent of her life, and would not have been an argument for his thesis. We have the conviction that Nora not only represents a forrm of protest against women’s very limited rights in the 1th Century ’’Helmer But nobody sacrifies his honor for the one she loves Nora Hundreds and thousands of women have’’.(8), but also becomes an ‘instrument’ in Ibsen’s hands, an ‘instrument’ for pleading in favor of personal freedom and individuals’ liberty to choose their destiny in becoming a social responsible agent. The materialization of this idea, in terms of liberation of the main character ( women), comes naturally after we have discovered the constraints surrounding Nora, especially coming from her husband ’’ I wouldn’t find a woman doubly attractive for being so obviously helpless.(…) It’s as though it made her his property in a double sense he has, as it were, given her a new life, and she becomes in a way both his wife and at tha same time his child’’.(8) For having demonstrated that Women in Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House ‘ were very consistent and complex characters of the play and that they become the weapon that Ibsen uses for expressing his convictions, I clearly hope having achieved the goal of this paper.That is to point out that Nora and Mrs Linde both experienced an evolution from passive victims in a life devoid of any rights for them to active agents in a life somewhat difficult for the adversities that a woman, who wants to claim her rights to live her life as she think best, has to face . Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’ is in some extent an hymn for sexual equality that Society should one day achieve. • Ibsen, Henrik. ‘A Doll’s House’. Literature for Composition.Ed. Sylvan Barnet 5th ed. New York Longman, 000.774-84.

Mind that the sample papers like A doll's house presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Tattoos even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Tattoos in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.


Every day you see people walking down the street with tattoos. These people are often stereotyped as being “bad asses” but why? Tattoos are not always worn by rough crowds nor do they make people tough. So why is it that a majority of the population looks down on them and feels that they are wrong? They are merely a form of art; no different than someone who enjoys certain paintings on their walls except that hey are permanently hung on the person who buys them. Most people with tattoos do not just go out and get them for the hell of it or because of the image that it can give them; it is a thought out process of elimination to find the perfect piece. There are hundreds of thousands of different pieces to choose from.Just the other day I was in line at subway ordering a sandwich when a man needed to get in front of me. I heard someone from the back line say “just go up to front of the line” then the man said “I don’t want to get beat up”. Instantly I knew that he was talking about me because I had a tank top on and I have tattoos all over my arms. This made me feel uncomfortable because I could not understand why someone would think that about me. Just because a person has tattoos it does not mean that they are a bad person who wants to fight with everyone. Many times I have encountered people judging me before they know me. From personal experience I have found that some people think of the hells angels or some other type of gang when they see people like me. Tattoos are a reflection of someone’s personality but it is unusual to meet someone who understands why. Only the person who wears the tattoo can fully understand why they got it. I have also come across people who think that tattoos are unsanitary there for they feel that the people who have them are unsanitary. This is a big misconception. There are rules and regulations for tattooing just like anything else in this world. Everything that is involved in the procedure must be sanitary and sterile. The needles used for the actual tattooing are cut and thrown away after the tattoo is preformed. Part of the reason for people thinking this is because when you walk into t tattoo parlor there are all kinds of weird art covering the wall, from freaky to perverted to cute. One might be overwhelmed by all the pictures and not know what to think which in turn could easily give them a bad name.Tattooing is an ancient art that has been around for a long time it has evolved just like anything else and because of this certain people disrespect it. It is just a personal preference and a way to show ones personal thoughts. Tattoos do not make people mean and they are not an implication that someone has a bad personality.

Mind that the sample papers like Tattoos presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dubliners by James Joyce - Commentary

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Dubliners by James Joyce - Commentary even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Dubliners by James Joyce - Commentary in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.


The short story, which I have written, was based on James Joyce’s stories in Dubliners. He uses many techniques in his writing to add effects and to build characters.

In general the style of the stories is very oblique. When certain events happen in the stories, they are not directly described; instead different things are described such as the thoughts and feelings of one of the characters. From this, the reader is able to use their imagination to determine what is going on. I have used this method in my story mainly when Conner and Mary Jane are in the photo shop together and he assaults her. The actual assault is not described in so many words; it is just the characters thoughts and feelings and describing changes to their bodies.

“His ponderous arms and legs dominated hers. His icy glare contrasted with the warmth he felt inside.”

An example of when Joyce uses this is in An Encounter when the old man wanders off and we only get Mahony’s view of what is going occurring. As a child he would not understand what the man was doing but from his reaction it is obvious to the reader. There are other parts of my story that are oblique in a slightly different way. For example when Conner is sitting outside the caf�, he wonders aloud

-Could this be the day?

The audience is unaware of what he is talking about, as they do not know much about the relationship between the two characters or about their personalities. This is something that the reader would need to keep in the back of their mind in order to make sense of it later in the story. This technique is often used in Joyce’s stories.

Another technique that Joyce uses in all of the stories in Dubliners is his use of descriptive language. He uses this in a variety of ways. Firstly his description of characters really helps to bring them alive. This is used in Two Gallants when the woman is being described. There is a long and very detailed description of her and the clothes she is wearing. There isn’t much to be said about her personality after this physical description as the audience already feels like they know a lot about her. Joyce also uses this but just to describe facial features of characters. I used this in the beginning of my story when the audience is introduced to Mary Jane. “ Her freshly powdered cheeks glowed a rosy pink, as did her pouted lips.” Another use of description found in Dubliners is to do with the senses. Joyce plays around with them and it really creates an effect of realism. I have emulated this when describing the dark room of the photo shop.

“The mildewed smell reached his nostrils forthwith. There was a habitual clamminess which seemed to distribute itself heavily into his attire.”

There is often a type of tone applied to each story, which I feel I have also created in my story. For example in Counterparts the tone is very furious and frustrated, which parallels Farington’s personality and mood. The tone in my story is the opposite of this. It is quite serene and calm, especially when Mary Jane is present. This is until a point of transition in the story. In many of Joyce’s stories, he uses points of transition. The tone changes just after Mary Jane enters the dark room with Conner. The overall effect of this use of tone is a heightened sense of realism, in that the reader is able to feel a greater sense of intimacy and understanding towards the characters. It helps us to understand the atmosphere by which the characters are surrounded so may help the audience to understand the way they are feeling better. This understanding is enhanced by writing my story in the third person. In nearly all of Joyce’s stories he also writes in the third person. This could be a disadvantage in some writing but the way Joyce uses it definitely puts him at an advantage. In the third person we expect to be less privy to the characters thoughts. However, in Dubliners the writing in third person is often on the verge of the characters thoughts and the audience will trust this because it is not biased, from a characters point of view. There is an example of this in Two Gallants where Corley is thinking about his life. “Would he never get a new job? Would he never have a home of his own?” As well as being able to do this he can act as a narrator and also describe physical appearance with far more clarity than characters would be able to. An example of this in my story is when Conner is looking for the photographs for Mary Jane, “What a terrible shame, they seemed not to be there.”

To sum up the end of my story I have included an epiphany for Conner. It is a moment of realisation where he is psychologically processing what has happened. It is not greatly detailed, it just ensures that the audience understand that Conner was able to just get over the days events and carry on as normal but possibly with a new found edge to his personality. There are many epiphanies in Dubliners such as in Araby, which has a lot of strong feelings behind it.

In Joyce’s writing he often uses a lot of linguistic skills to develop the stories. Pathetic Fallacy is used to build up atmosphere in what is about to happen. At the beginning of my story there is just a cold breeze but as soon as the main action is about to happen the weather gets worse. “Rain battered the window”. There is an example of this in An Encounter when the day is described as ‘sultry’ just before the man begins to act strangely.

Personification is also used to bring things to life. I used this technique again when describing the weather. “The breeze scuttered down Duke Street”. This is used in Araby when the street is described as conscious.

There are some parts of the characters descriptions that give them unique qualities. “Sculptured piece of art” makes Mary Jane seem almost un-realistic or too good to be true. When Conner sees the pictures of her a simile is used to describe her. “Like a dark star”. This is using a paradox to create the feeling that there is something that is not quite right. The same technique is used when talking about Conner. “Nestled uncomfortably” is not quite right because if something is nestled then it should be comfortable. This is more of an oxymoron. “Pleasantly Confused” is used in Eveline which is an example of where Joyce has used an oxymoron in his writing. In the description which follows this, there are a few things which make the audience think that Conner is hiding something or that we cannot see the real him. It mentions that his hair often ‘shielded’ his face, and his eyes are ‘misty’. These are both descriptions that create a barrier between the reader and the characters personality. Overall, Conner is a simple character and there are many points in the story that reflect this. One point is when we learn that his new career ideas, and even the name of his shop, came to him in a three second thought. Conner is obviously not bothered about what he does with his life or where it takes him.

Mind that the sample papers like Dubliners by James Joyce - Commentary presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

a raisen in the sun

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like a raisen in the sun even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like a raisen in the sun in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Goals and dreams are part of everyday life. Without these people would not have anything to live or work for. Dreams get us motivated and whent they come true we fell fulfilled. Dreams are a major theme in the play A Raisen in the Sun. Dreams not only caused ambition but also caused conflict.

There are three main dreams that make the plot. Walter Younger and Beneatha are brother and sister and Mama, Lena Younger, is both of their mothers’. After their father passed away, Mama was expecting an insurance check for $10,000. Everyone had their own idea for the way they wanted to spend it to fulfill their own dreams. Mama’s dream was to buy a two story home with a flower bed in the back yard. Mama had always wanted that since she first got married. That wasn’t what her children wanted though. Walter was upset because he wanted to use the money for a down payment on a liquor store. Walter always wanted to be in business for himself. This caused a lot of tension between Walter and the rest of the family. Beneatha on the other hand wanted to go to school to become a doctor. Women in that day became nurses, but not Beneatha. Beneatha wanted to use the money to go to school with and Mama wanted to use part of it for that also. Walter didn’t think that Beneatha needed to go to school.

In this play, every character has a dream and everyone of course, wants to obtain it. Just as in reality, dreams help us to get through life and get the things we want. Sometimes dreams are harder to get than expected and can sometimes take a turn in a different direction.

Mind that the sample papers like a raisen in the sun presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Australian Cultural Identity through Bruce Dawes Poems

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Australian Cultural Identity through Bruce Dawes Poems even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Australian Cultural Identity through Bruce Dawes Poems in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Australian Cultural Identity

The Australian poet Bruce Dawe was one of the first Australian poets to recognise the average Australian as one who neither lives in the country or in the centre of a metropolis but in the middle class suburbs that expand outward from the cities. He writes for the great middle mass of Australian population about matters of social, political and cultural interests. Though Dawe is well aware of the sense of the ironic in city and suburban life in Australia that not all is well in the average Australian’s life in suburbia. Bruce Dawe poems often concern’s the average Australian people in the suburbs confronting their everyday problems, he observes and records the sorrow and hardships of average people struggling to survive. Our cultural identity even a stereotypical view of Australian’s is that we’re laconic, anti authority and we live in egalitarian society. Bruce Dawe’s views on Australian cultural identity are represented in ‘Life Cycle’ ‘Up The Wall’ and ‘Homo Suburbiensis’.

‘Life Cycle’ represents the proud and passionate nature of Australian people especially at sporting events. Life Cycle is obviously about Australian Rules Football and football team’s supporters from when they are young to when they are old. Their feeble passion for their club when they are young “Carn, Carn they Cry …feebly at first’ to when they are old and proud and passionate supporters. They are brought up from the beginning with football in their blood, when they play football and win they are praised and showered with glory but when they lose they are shunned by proud parents. Dawe is well aware of the excesses, the lunacies of the Australian Rules supporter but the poem is not attacking what might appear to be an Australian social evil. Dawe borrows many liturgical statements to emphasise the passion of Australian Rules followers. “They will not grow old as those from more Northern States grow old’ borrowed from Binyon’s “To the Fallen” links in with the patriotic Anzacs who fought against the odds with pride and dignity. The football followers are patriotic about their team and the true followers support their team through thick and thin. On the football field race and ethnicity mean nothing it is forgotten, physical prowess and class of the player dictate people’s views on the player. You would love him or hate him depending on which team you followed. A strong image of an Australian society that is proud and passionate is represented in ‘Life Cycle’ but sometimes this pride and passion is taken to seriously and it can ruin the sport and turn it into something of a social evil.

Bruce Dawe in ‘Life Cycle’ represents the football as a culture, a religion, away of life for many Australian people. Sport in Australia is significantly more popular then in most places in the world as Bruce Dawe said when he commented on ‘Life Cycle’ “I think all Australians have something of a predisposition to treat sport as being just a bit more religious than in other places’. Just looking at the newspapers and it’s obvious that football dominates the sport section it is Australia’s national game an icon that only Australian’s know. Bruce Dawe recognises how significant sport in particular Australian Rules is to the average Australian it is away of life a culture. Chicken Smallhorn a former Fitzroy wingman that gained god like status among the Fitzroy followers for his exploits on the football field,

“Chicken Smallhorn return like maize-god in a thousand shapes, the dancers changing” Like race and ethnicity religion is forgotten on the football field, all players and supporters have one religion or aim rather to win the Grand Final and place their hands on the premiership trophy, the holy grail of football. Like a religion the supporters hope for salvation, whenever their team is losing and having a terrible season they hope their clubs season will change they remain optimistic. “Having seen the six-foot recruit from Eaglehawk their hope for salvation” The true supporters remain through the slumps of their club they believe in their club it is their religion.

The poem ‘Homo Suburbiensis’ represents a classical suburban household set on a quarter-acre block with a flower garden and lawn in front and a vegetable garden with lawn at the back. Dawes view of Australian cultural identity is that where people live in the typical Australian suburbs where it is an egalitarian society which is laidback and laconic. The imagery suggests that Dawe is both celebrating suburbia, while in some ways puts down the suburban householders dreams The rich smell of “compost” and “rubbish”. The space taken vastly by overcrowds dry land with drying plants represent the overcrowding of suburbia. His thoughts are lost escaping the pressures that comes with life. The traffic unescapable to his mind. Dawe shows a sympathetic look towards this person “lost in a green confusion”, as even in the retreat of his backyard he still cannot escape the lifestyle of suburbs. Though in comparison to a woman’s life in the suburbs it is significantly better. The peace, beauty of nature and freedom he encounters in is backyard allows him to relax in his middle class life. To be ordinary in Australia, whether in the suburbs or in the city, is the norm for men to hide their concerns and troubles. The image of green beauty, fertile and fecard backyard and the man admiring his backyard in middle class suburbia represents the laconic laidback attitude and the peace he encounters in his backyard. This is a good example of an ordinary life, as this particular person needs to escape the pressures, which highlight “TIME, PAIN, LOVE, HATE, AGE, EMOTION, and LAUGHTER”. All which are present and Dawe makes that aware of an ordinary Australian life. Being achieved in his back yard. Representative of a modest life but a life lived fully in suburbia.

A clear image in ‘Homo Suburbiensis’ is of your typical Australian bloke, who comes home after work and relaxes in his backyard as the sunsets. This is part of the Australian dream to come home after work do a nice family and relax in the outdoors in a peaceful backyard in suburbia. Bruce Dawe himself was once portrayed as an ordinary bloke with a difference, an Australian ‘Ocker’ who believes in the simple things in life. Dawe maintains that there is one constant value in an unstable world where politics play a major role. The man is a suburban householder with an ordinary Australian life standing alone in his backyard on a quiet evening among his vegetables. Dawe understand the ordinary life of a man as when he was younger he didn’t hold a regular job and ‘knocked around’ giving him a rich experience of the occupations of an ordinary man. He also understands the language of the common man and writes in simple everyday language. The laconic wit of the ordinary working-man, backyard speech patterns combined with Dawes own flair for word play allowed him to create the everyday common Australian in such poems as ‘Homo Suburbiensis’. The typical male in suburbia is that of a middle class white Anglo-Saxon with little religious believes but most probably Christian backgrounds. Though this means little in suburbia where everyone is even in their backyard admiring the beauty and peace of Australia.

While life is predominantly easy and peaceful for the male life can be significantly harder for women in suburbia. In ‘Up the Wall’ the middle class housewife life is illustrated as hard irritating work. Her isolation is emphasised in the second stanza with the repetition of ‘she says’ this represents the vacuum in which her speech occurs. Her husband similar to the male in ‘Homo Suburbiensis’ is at work all day remains in his masculine world at home within the suburbs offers little help and pays little attention to his wife. There is little sense of community and support within the Australian suburbs. The male voice only appears in the concluding couplet where the final powerful appraisal is made of the poems content. The domestic life of the housewife after he has spoken the matter ends. This structure replicates the power of the masculine head of the household all be it in the 160’s but we still live in a patriarchal society. It also reveals the disjuncture between the masculine and feminine worlds and how little he appreciates what his wife goes through each day. The presence of his ‘fraud’ contrasts heavily with her aloneness. The Cultural identity for women and men varies; men are laidback laconic ‘ockers’ while women are middle class housewives without a job.

The structure and form of ‘Up the Wall’ allows us to sympathise with the housewife’s life in the suburbs. Dawe uses the Shakespearean sonnet form ironically; the readers expectations of the form as a portrayal of love are dismantled just as the reader’s assumption about marriage are overturned. The iambic pentameter is used to represent the restriction; monotony and tension of a suburban housewife live in the 160’s. It also challenges the reader’s expectations as we sympathise with her as she struggles through everyday while her anger and tension rises. Other poetic techniques such as caesura and enjambment are used also to represent the constant interruption to her day and the rising anger and tension she feels in her repetitious life in suburbia. She has little cultural identity just one of a middle class suburban housewife in 160’s Australia.

The average Australian living in the middle class suburbs that expands outward from the cities has a strong cultural identity. Dawe represent Australia as a suburban based country with strong links to sport while being laconic and laidback. Men enjoy a laconic lifestyle enjoying sport while women have a less enjoyable lifestyle suffering from the stress and tension of being a middle class housewife in suburbia. Bruce Dawe writes poems for these ordinary Australian’s about matters that interest them such as political, social and cultural concerns. Dawe celebrates aspects of urban and suburban life while also satirically criticising suburbia, where Dawe believes the heart of Australian cultural identity can be found, suburbia.

Mind that the sample papers like Australian Cultural Identity through Bruce Dawes Poems presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like TURNING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE INTO CUSTOMER EQUITY even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like TURNING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE INTO CUSTOMER EQUITY in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Competitive Advantage is driven by the oversupply in a market. This makes the customers the force behind the suppliers to innovate, increase quality, and offer new products that are more attractive at a cheaper price. This will also create an imitation within the supplier market and often it leads to even more over supply. In order to keep up with the cycle of competitive rationality, firms need to manage a process of competitive advantage. This is a very cyclical process.

Managing Competitive Advantage as a process; the two sources of competitive advantage superior skills and superior resources are used to achieve one of two positions of advantage, or ways of competing low cost or differentiation. Those unable to achieve the low-position must make the product worth paying the higher price. In this millennium technological advantage may be the key to survival and success. The other two outcomes of achieving a position of competitive advantage are Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Most customers switch for the reason of seeking variety not because they are not satisfied. A company that can understand its customers likes, needs, desires and can appeal to its customers will likely to succeed.

Customer Equity; the outcomes of ROI (return on investment) and market share are hard but historical and the outcomes of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are future oriented but soft. Ideally a single outcome that is both hard expressed and future oriented. The proposed method is the CLTV (customer life time value). Which in turn leads to customer equity. CLTV is defined as NPV (net present value) of the profit a firm stands to realize on the average new customer during a given number of years.

A company can increase CLTV by Increasing the Lifetime by raising either the retention rate or the customer life (the number of years a customer can remain a customer. Increasing sales to, or as a result of, a customer by raising either the firm’s share of the customer’s purchases or the customer’s referral rate (the number of times the customer refer others to the firm’s products and services. Cutting costs of serving the customer.

I wanted to take Cingular Wireless as a managerial Application example because it is evident that the company has become a giant among the wireless giants today using much of the Competitive Advantage Techniques.

In regards to Product Innovation, Variety and Value; Cingular Wireless is the first company to offer roll over minutes amongst the Wireless Companies. This has given the company a big competitive advantage.

Increasing CLTV; Cingular Wireless rang up an innovative program that landed it more commercial exposure on CNN, plus the right to offer breaking news from the companys networks through its cell phones. This will also give Cingular a national exposure.


In regards to Increasing Superior Skills; Launched in October of 000, Cingular combined the domestic wireless operations of SBC and Bellsouth in a merger characterized as the largest brand consolidation in the wireless industry. In order to have seamless integration, the company used the Docent Technologies E-Learning Edge program to facilitate all types of learning across the multitude of company wide initiatives, including Sales Force Automation, Human Resource automation, Customer Experience education for product rollout to retail outlets, New Employee Orientation.


As an Extension, the measurement of customer satisfaction is not mentioned in the article.

Mind that the sample papers like TURNING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE INTO CUSTOMER EQUITY presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

human life

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like human life even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like human life in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The purpose of human life is an unanswerable question. It seems impossible to find an answer because we dont know where to start looking. To us, existence seems to be something imposed on us by an unknown force. There seems to be no reason for it, therefore making the world seem choatic. For this reason, society tries to make meaning of it by materialistic purposes to distract us from the fact that it is actually a hopless and mysterious predicament. Samuel Becketts two act play, Waiting For Godot, captures this feeling and view of the world.

This viewpoint is shown by the difference between Pozzo and Lucky in both Act I and II. Since this world is soley based on chance, human lives are treated in an almost cruel manner. In act one, Pozzo is traveling to the market to sell Lucky. Pozzo is totally healthy. Lucky is a perfectly normal slave who has started to annoy Pozzo, so he is going to be sold. This is the first way Valdimir and Estrogen see this odd couple. However, the next day Pozzo and Luckys predicament have changed. Pozzo is blind and Lucky has become a mute. When Valdimir and Estrogen confront them on these drastic hcanges, Pozzos answers are confused. He has absolutely no recollection of the day before when he ordered Lucky to think and claims Lucky has always been a mute. When Valdimir asks him when he became blind, Pozzo responds, I woke up one find day as blind as fortune. When Valdimir asks him for details, Pozzo answers violently, Dont question me! The blind have no notion of time. The things of time are hidden from them too!

Mind that the sample papers like human life presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friends ‘til the end

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Friends ‘til the end even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Friends ‘til the end in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Friends ‘til the end

In high school, juniors and seniors would study long hours for the S.A.T.’s, fill out long college applications, as they prepare their outfits weeks ahead for the prom. Unlike them, I isolated myself from everyone as I mourned for my best friend, Evelyn.

Losing a loved one is one of the worst torments I have ever experienced, especially at such a young age. It was difficult for me to accept her death. Until now, I still wish she were here.

Evelyn and I were the best of friends. In fact, we were so close; we considered each other as actual sisters. There were times where Evelyn would keep to herself whenever a problem would be too difficult for her to handle. Her feelings would bottle up and she would explode into tears as she thinks of suicide for a solution to any of her problems. She was too proud to ask for help as she acts like nothing was bothering her. Her “happy-go-lucky” act soon disappears as she locks herself in her room, thinking that her misery would go away along with her life.

All of Evelyn’s suicidal attempts never succeeded but I would always find scars, bruises, or even burn marks on her body. It just hurts to see how troublesome she’s feeling, especially when she hides her troubles behind a smile at school. After realizing the signs of suicide she had showed, I immediately gave her my full attention. She would avoid all of my questions that concerned her well being.

I began to worry about her, so I sat with her and offered her any help she needed. At first she denied having any problems, assuring me that everything’s fine. I gave her a puzzled look, as I pulled her bandaged wrist and in an irritated tone, I asked, “Then what the hell is this all about?” I became angry with her when silence became her response. I became harsh on Evelyn as I expressed my thoughts on our friendship. I didn’t mean to make her feel even worse than she already is. It just sucks having a best friend who would rather hurt herself than to cry on my shoulder whenever she would need me. She made it seem like I was a stranger or I was too busy for her when she knows that all she has to do is call.

On April 6, 17, Evelyn called to invite me to her nephew’s christening. On that same day, I had a date to the Junior Prom and my younger sister would be arriving from the Philippines, so I wasn’t sure what time I would be able to attend her nephew’s party. Uncertain, I told her that I would call her after prom.

I did not enjoy my Junior Prom at all. For some reason, I had this real bad feeling that I shouldn’t have gone. Although I wasn’t enjoying myself, I tried to have fun with my date. I didn’t want to ask him to drop me home early after he spent so much for that night. Around 1000 o’clock that evening, my date dropped me home. I thanked him gratefully as I rushed to get into my house. As soon as I entered through the door, all of my family members greeted me with hugs and kisses as they appeared out of nowhere. I tried to quickly greet them back without being rude and disrespectful, as I tried to dash my way through the phone.

Before I could dial Evelyn’s phone number, I recognized a familiar voice behind me insulting my dress, “Yuck! What an ugly dress!” my sister, Sharon exclaimed. Then she yelled, “You mad now because I’m back, that’s why you’re not welcoming me home?” I slightly turned around and lightly slapped my little sister’s head as I laughed at her silly remark. I gave her a hug and welcomed her back while I was on the phone trying to contact Evelyn.

Evelyn answered the phone with an annoyed tone in her voice. I greeted her and asked, “Guess who’s back from the Philippines?” “NO WAY! SHARON?” Evelyn asked with excitement. Evelyn asked me to bring my sister along to her nephew’s party but the only problem was our ride. I asked her if she could pick us up but she couldn’t because she was too busy helping out with the party. “So how’s this then? I wanna see Sharon,” as Evelyn demanded. Finally we made an agreement to meet up tomorrow afternoon. The next day, Evelyn never called and whenever I would call, there was no answer. I figured she was tired so I didn’t bother calling back. I had no idea that last night would be our last conversation.

The weekend passed and it was back to school. Like any ordinary Monday, I walked my way through the halls to get to our hangout, with no knowledge of Evelyn’s death. As soon as I arrived to the hangout, my cousin approached me and told the sad news. Shocked by what she said, I simply laughed and said “WHATEVERS!” My cousin gave me this grave look and I knew she was serious. As I was still in denial, I asked if she was joking. My cousin pulled out a small clip from the newspaper and there it read “….Evelyn Gagarin, 16, of Dededo, committed suicide during a family function….making Gagarin number 7 for Guam’s suicide rate.”

At that point, I became hysterical and caused a big scene, not knowing that the entire student body was watching. I just couldn’t believe she was gone and I didn’t want to believe that she was never coming back. Realizing how much her death affected me, I became careless. I was unable to concentrate in school and soon my grades dropped dramatically. In an instant, I dropped from an “A student” to a “D student.” My teachers became concerned as they would hand me my progress report during the middle of third quarter. I knew I was on the verge of failure but I didn’t care.

One of my teachers knew I needed help, so she suggested seeing the counselor. Even though I felt obligated, I knew secluding myself was not the answer. Quietly, I did what I was told because I knew that if I didn’t seek any help, I would end up like Evelyn. After experiencing this situation, I wouldn’t want to make anyone else feeling the same torture that I have. Anyone could easily be mentally depressed when they lose a loved one.

As the counselor slowly helped me express my emotions, I realized how angry I was at her and at the same time, deeply hurt that I would never see her again. After long hours in the counselor’s office, I couldn’t believe how much weight I have lifted off by talking to someone. Although I was still in mourning, I decided to move on with my life.

Even if Evelyn is not with me physically, she would always be with me in my heart.

By the end of the school year, I caught up with my make-up assignments and received passing grades. Then I became comfortable talking to other friends about how I felt when Evelyn passed away. There are other people who care about me as much as I did with Evelyn and I can’t just shut them out of my life so I accepted the fact that she was gone and there’s nothing I can do to bring her back. It was kind of hard at first, but I can’t feel depressed forever.

Mind that the sample papers like Friends ‘til the end presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Extra credit, annotation of a ballad stanza

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Extra credit, annotation of a ballad stanza even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Extra credit, annotation of a ballad stanza in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

ENG 0 extra credit

Artist DMX

Album Flesh of my flesh, Blood of my blood

Track Dogs 4 life

Love is love and I enjoy the love

But when its conflict then it destroys the love

You cant toy with love, niggas take it to the heart

You aint goin to find too many niggas willing to bark in the dark.

In this stanza DMX is talking about the love shared between he and his friends. He describes his

relationships with the fellas as a committed contract type of love, a love that he would die for.

But then there can be a conflict, that will destroy the love, perhaps over money, women or in this case a sour deal on any topic, something done to loose the trust. And describing toying with the love will destroy it, is to say that you cant play with the love, you cant approach the line of conflict then try and go back and mend things up over and over again. If you play with the love and trust of your friends then you may loose the love. Your friends that love you the ones that trust you with their lives and actually love you, will take to heart any of your actions that you present. In the last line he says you aint going to find too many niggas willing to bark in the dark. This I believe has different meanings, one is telling you that you are not going to find too many people to make friends that will be willing to go the limits for you. Not a lot of people are willing to stand up for them selves let alone to stand up and look out for some one else. To bark in the dark I think speaks of walking around in the actual night time, I vision someone on the dark streets of the ghetto outside of a house looking for a friend that may be just called him on the phone to meet up with him because he is in grave danger. Yet another way is to look at it like bark in the dark is the same as the old fraise of test the water before you jump into it. Only the real true love of a friend will press one to take risks of getting into and not knowing what they are really getting into.

Mind that the sample papers like Extra credit, annotation of a ballad stanza presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

English Communications

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like English Communications even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like English Communications in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The topic I have chosen for this task is ‘Interacting in a team of workplace context.’ The team/workplace I will be working with are Sr. Johns Port Adelaide as I have just become a member and thought it would be an exciting topic. St John Ambulance Australia is a volunteer based program which enables ordinary people like you and I give help to those in need of medical attention. To become a St. John volunteer you must have your Senior First Aid Certificate and if you don’t St. John will tell you when their next Senior First Aid class is so you can get one. After you join there is usually a three hour session each week to keep your skill levels up.

So for my interacting in a team I have chosen to do our last session which was a casualty simulation (this is when we act out an incident and use our skills to help that casualty.). In this scenario we have to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation while in a moving vehicle (our St. John ambulance.), there are five people in a group

Driver- is responsible for getting the casualty to hospital as quickly and efficiently as he/she can.

Front seat passenger- is responsible for calling out directions as loud and clear as they can for example ‘right turn coming up!’

The first, first aider- will control the breaths with a bag and mask.

The second first aider- will control the compressions. (Two breaths to every fifteen compressions.)

The instructor- they tell you what’s happening to your patient and if you doing something wrong or right.

There are four rotations so each person gets a chance to have a go at every thing excluding the instructor.

Mind that the sample papers like English Communications presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Effects of ETS and Secondhand smoke

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Effects of ETS and Secondhand smoke even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Effects of ETS and Secondhand smoke in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Smoking has been a part of our society since tobacco was discovered in the Americas. It can be found just about everywhere by observing people as they go through their day-to-day activities, watching TV or going to a bar or restaurants and in peoples homes. It has been claimed that secondhand smoke can affect the general health and well being of people exposed to it. The health and well being of these people is a concern of government officials. In return restrictions and laws have been made to try to regulate Environmental Tobacco Smoke [ETS] in public places.

Since more and more information has been presented displaying the negative aspects of smoking, the government has begun to regulate smoking in public places. The claim is that everyone who is exposed to secondhand smoke has the potential to develop respitory illness and lung cancer. An Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] document titled “Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking Lung Cancer and Other Disorders” was released in January of 1 and furthered that argument. The document provided information on some of the health effects of ETS. The EPA has contended that ETS is causally associated with lung cancer in non-smoking adults and classified ETS as a Group A carcinogen. It was also found to worsen symptoms of one million children in 1 that were already diagnosed with asthma (Garrison 45). ETS also produces an increased risk of development of acute lower respiratory infections, middle ear infections, asthma, and respiratory irritation in children exposed at home (Smoak 1). In fact “Mothers who smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day actually can cause as many as 6,000 new cases of asthma among their children each year”(Mahler-Vossler 40). Also, in 186 the Surgeon Generals report, the 186 review by the National Academy of Scientists, and a review paper published in Britain all links to ETS respiratory illness in children and lung cancer in non-smokers (Smoak 10). If the case about children who were exposed

to ETS in their household, then one could see how a bar setting where smoking was allowed could potentially present the same risk. People who did not choose

to partake in the risks associated with smoking would still be exposed to the air-borne toxins simply by being in the same area. ETS is as toxic or even more toxic than what the smoker actually inhales. This mainstream smoke that the smokers inhales contains 4000 identified substances and of these identified substances, almost four-dozen of them are known to be carcinogenic (Smoak 11).

ETS, also known as secondhand smoke, is a mixture of the mainstream exhaled smoke and side stream smoke, which is smoke and other components that are released from a burning cigarette (Smoak 11). Secondhand smoke has been a serious issue to those Americans who do not smoke because of the increased risk of being in an area contaminated by cigarette smoke and the possibility of associated health risks of secondhand smoke. The Surgeon General first issued warnings of the dangers of smoking in 17 and later in 1. This endorsed the EPA’s Report of the dangers of secondhand smoke (Garrison 44). One solution to this risk was to separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places such as restaurants and waiting areas. Non-smokers then stated that separation of areas was not enough because the smoke simply drifted from one area to the other. This is not only a threat to the potential customers, where ETS is present, but is also a threat to the employees.

Al Gore and Bill Clinton made a radio address on August , 17. Bill Clinton talked about new solutions to the potential threats that ETS has on non-smokers in the workplace.

“I [have signed] an executive order that…bans smoking in all federal

Facilities under the control of our administration. In August 18, every

federal agency and office building, every visitor’s center at every national

park, every facility owned or leased by the executive branch must be

smoke-free. Now, this order does allow agencies to designate smoking

areas for their employees who smoke, as long as these areas are ventilated

to the outside and nonsmoking employees do not have to enter them.

Our federal workers and the thousands of people who visit federal facilities

will now be protected from the risk of secondhand smoke.” (Smoak 10)

However, in order to understand the validity of all these statistics like, the EPA reports and the Surgeon Generals reports, their needs to be a consideration for human bias or flawed studies concerning ETS and its impact on nonsmokers. Sullum states that the people have to take into account misclassification for some or all of the observed differences caused by secondhand smoke (5) such as lung cancer or heart disease. Even though there may be misclassification, the truth behind ETS is hard to distinguish. In order to look at the effects that ETS has on the human body, the people need to be able to distinguish the actual cases where ETS has affected people from the different exposures and lifestyles that may have caused diseases such as, lung cancer or heart disease. Both the Occupational Safety, Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. Congress along with support from the EPA, have stated that there is a link between such health risks and ETS and have pushed for regulation (Viscusi 104). Only links and assumptions have been made about the risks with no significant statistics.

OSHA conducted a series of eleven studies trying to determine the significance of the effects of ETS to display how regulation of smoking in public places is necessary. Of the eleven studies conducted, ten of them failed to show statistically significant linkage of the effects of ETS and health conditions. (Viscusi 104) With this information, OSHA

could not say that there were no health effects related to ETS. Then, how big of a risk is necessary to be labeled a “significant risk”? Viscusi makes a good argument using the

180 OSHA Benzene case (AFL-CIO v. American Petroleum Institute), which says that the Supreme Court stated that the risk of contracting an illness from drinking chlorinated water was one-in-a-billion and would not be considered a significant risk. However, the risk from exposure to gasoline vapors being one-in-a-thousand would be significant. Using this information Viscusi goes on to conduct a “test.” He wanted to know, how ETS would fare against the risk levels for significance set by the Supreme Court. Viscusi says that putting ETS risk levels in these terms will help see how ETS risks are related (Viscusi 1). “The amount of water people drink per day from different sources ranges from .1 to . quarts”. To be conservative, he assumes that people drink nine glasses of chlorinated water per day. Viscusi also states “I will also assume, that the risk is linear with the number of glasses and that there is no cumulative effect.” He adds the person who drinks nine glasses per day for the assumed lifetime of seventy years will consume ,50 glasses during their lifetime. Viscusi says if the court was right, then the lifetime risk from the water is two-in-ten thousand. OSHA estimates that between 144 and 7 people will die from lung cancer due to ETS per year. For the 74 million non-smoking Americans are exposed over their 40-year employment, the risk says Viscusi is one-in-ten thousand to four-in-ten thousand. This means that the risk for ETS and drinking chlorinated water fall in the same boundaries. “These calculations translate into lifetime risks as opposed to risks from a particular exposure, so that both the ETS risks and chlorinated water risks discussed by the court are in the same time dimension. The risks of ETS are quite comparable to the level of risks that the Supreme Court views as non significant enough to warrant regulation” (Viscusi 1).

Viscusi ultimately makes a good point saying, the risks according to the Supreme Court’s risk levels of ETS exposure is not significant. This assumption is made

based upon the fact that there is no cumulative effect of ETS. Viscusi’s argument that the effects of ETS are non-cumulative is a flawed, even though he is an expert on the topic and has received funding for his research by many notable sources like the Harvard Law School, and National Bureau of Economic Research. This might make people think about ETS and its effects. Does any one really know if ETS is a health risk or not? Has anyone ever been in a house in which people smoked and helped him or her move out? When they take the pictures and posters off the walls there is a noticeable outline of the picture. Has anyone ever seen a picture of a smoker’s lung cut in half? All the black substance stuck to the lung is an accumulation of tar. The cilia, which are like hair in the lungs, soon disappear after large amounts of toxic substances are inhaled (Harrison 1). So, why wouldn’t ETS inhaled by a non-smoker be harmful? The accumulation of tar on the walls and the difference in shade of color, could that not be possible in the lungs of an employee who works at a bar? “It is not out of concern for bartenders that the prohibitionists are determined to outlaw smoking in bars” (O’Shea 16) but rather, it is the last thing they are concerned in doing. ETS is a serious topic that most of these people are overlooking. All of these factors must be accounted for before people push this topic aside.

Another problem with Viscusi’s argument is that people can choose to smoke or not. Can humans choose to live with out water for an extended period of time? No, the body requires water to live or after a few days without water, dehydration will ultimately cause death. Viscusi overlooked this issue, that people need water in order to live and

people do not need cigarettes to live. Therefore the validity of Viscusi’s argument could be questioned yet again.

In the case of secondhand smoke more research needs to be done. Even though the issue is controversial, the evidence is equally controversial. Many studies have been done on the topic of ETS, however many studies have not yet explored all the possibilities and long-term effects of ETS. Officials will continually crack down on this issue as more information is gathered and more is known about ETS. But in the meantime, the smoke filled rooms are a present health risk to those who choose not to smoke and jeopardize their health.

Personally, as a smoker, the issue of ETS highly concerns me. Many people complain about ETS saying that it is a nuisance and that someone should do something about regulating it. The government has started regulations on ETS, but the regulations are not focused on certain aspects and areas, which affect the average American. While my experience is not steeped in research, the day after going to smoke filled rooms like in restaurants and clubs, I have sneezed sooty mucus into a tissue and coughed due to hazy conditions where ventilation was far from good. This is anecdotal evidence, but after looking at the way statistical information has been weighted to conform to the author’s purpose or organization sponsoring the study, one can see how the people have been manipulated and intimidated by American courts, agencies, and public opinion. ETS is an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed so that the non-smoker is not jeopardized.

Mind that the sample papers like Effects of ETS and Secondhand smoke presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Deep Play:Notes on the BAlinese cockfight

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Deep Play:Notes on the BAlinese cockfight even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Deep Play:Notes on the BAlinese cockfight in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Anthropology is the study of human beings. Some of the work that anthropologists does is to observe and analyze the human culture. Anthropology has been important for hundreds of years, describing unknown cultures and explaining their histories. There is a lot of blindness in the way “civilized” people first look at people of other cultures. This is illustrated in Clifford Geertz’s essay, “Deep Play Notes on the Balinese cockfight.”

Anthropologists have many skills that they need to get accurate information about what they are studying. A lot of observation is involved in all areas of studying for anthropologists, as shown by Geertz, as he travels to a foreign country and studies the life of the Balinese people. Anthropologists are not only scientists who study humans, and the goals of anthropology are shared by other disciplines within the social, behavioral, and biological sciences. While Geertz is in Bali, he studies all these areas.

The first section entitled “The Raid” Geertz, an anthropologist, goes to the Balinese village, he is not noticed by the Balinese people, “We were intruders, professional ones, and the villagers dealt with us as Balinese seem always to deal with people not part of their life who yet press themselves upon them as though we were not there. For them, and to a degree for ourselves, we were nonpersons, specters, invisible men.” (Geetz 05). As an anthropologist Geertz observes his surroundings and the people from Bali. The work that Geertz does while he is in Bali, includes observing them on how they live and their behaviors, he basically becomes one of them. The first example, in which he becomes “one of them” is when they go to a cockfight and a truck full of policemen come and break up the cockfight. Geertz and his wife ran with the Balinese instead of staying around the ring and talking to the policemen. “ wife and I decided....that the thing to do was run too. We ran down the main village street, northward, away from where we were living, for we were on that side of the ring.” (Geertz, 07). The reason he ran with the Balinese people is to get the most out of their culture, he could of stayed at the ring and not had to worry about getting caught. This shows that he has a lot of interest in the Balinese culture, and wants to get the most efficient information for their data to be accurate.

“Bali, mainly because it is Bali, is a well-studied place. Its mythology, art, ritual, social organization, patterns of child rearing, forms of law, even styles of trance, have all been microscopically examined for traces of that elusive substance Jane Belo called “The Balinese Temper.” (Geertz, 0). Bali is known for their art of cockfighting, which is very important to them, but is illegal. As Geertz says in his essay, “As much of America surfaces in a ball park, on a golf links, at a race track, or around a poker table, much of Bali surfaces in a cock ring. For it is only apparently cocks that are fighting there. Actually, it is men.” (Geertz, 0). He says this while comparing Balinese people to Americans. At the cockfight men place bets on each cock, which is very similar in America people put bets down on all kinds of sporting events especially the ones mentioned by Geertz, baseball, golf, racing, and poker. Many games in America have a lot of hidden betting too, but betting in America is legal and in Bali it is illegal. In many ways, I think that its not the sports team playing, it’s the men putting their money down.

The work of anthropologist also includes finding out how people relate to other things. “To anyone who has been in Bali any length of time, the deep psychological identification of Balinese men with their cocks is unmistakable.” (Geertz, 0). As you can tell cock fighting is taken very seriously in Bali. The men also take very good care of their cocks, they will go above and beyond to make the cocks look their best and fight their best. “But the intimacy of men with their cocks is more than metaphorical. Balinese men, or anyway a large majority of Balinese men, spend an enormous amount of time with their favorites, grooming them, feeding them, discussing them, trying them out against one another, or just gazing at them with a mixture of rapt admiration and dreamy self-absorption.” (Geertz, 10). These skills that the Bali people do to keep their cocks going is very intense.

Through this essay Bali cock fighting is just an ordinary social event that takes place. People place bets on which cock is going to win and all levels of the social class can participate. But if the winner of a fight will not change your standings on the social class. Which is very interesting because, the social classes are based on money and if you win a big fight, you are likely to make a lot of money. And if you know how to make good bets you would come out ahead of everyone else, but stay at the same social class as you were in to begin with.

For an anthropologist to study in a certain area you must become one of them if you want to get the most out of your data. You have to live like them, groom like them, and talk like them. A good anthropologist does those things and would come back to having gathered a lot of information. The more information the easier it is to work with your data. For example, Geertz gathered a lot of information from living in the third-world country. And he gathered enough evidence to make an essay out of his work.

Mind that the sample papers like Deep Play:Notes on the BAlinese cockfight presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

Dead Men’s Path

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Dead Men’s Path even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Dead Men’s Path in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Shakespeare once wrote, “The common curse of mankind, --folly and ignorance” (Tro. .; Shakespeare). In “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson uses symbolism to point out the folly and ignorance associated with mankind’s ability to justify their actions with superstition and tradition. “The Lottery” is a short story that without the symbolism of its characters would amount to little more than an odd tale about a stoning. The setting is an almost festive day in the town square. Jackson describes the children bursting “into boisterous play, and their talk still of the classroom” (78). Yet beneath the normality of the setting there is an undertone of reservation. For example, she describes the men standing around telling jokes yet she states that “their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed” (78).

One of the leaders and most important men of the town is Mr. Summers, who runs the lottery and other civic events. Summer is the season of growing, the season of life. Mr. Summers’ name may symbolize life but instead of awarding life to the winner of the lottery he sentences death. Mr. Graves is the man who carries the black box and swears in Mr. Summers to make the lottery official. The symbolism in his name is quite apparent; by bringing the black box he is equivocally digging someone’s grave. Old man Warner, as his name indicates warns the crowd of the danger involved in breaking tradition. Tessie Hutchinson’s name reminds one of the historical name, Anne Hutchison. Anne Hutchison was a Puritan who became a willing martyr for her religious beliefs and was ran out of her small community. The irony in using the name Hutchison is that although Tessie Hutchinson at first appears to be a light-hearted and good-natured person that believes in the lottery, once her family name is chosen she fears only for herself. Instead of protecting her family and standing up for her beliefs, she tries to lower her own odds of being chosen by insisting that her married daughter also be included in the second drawing. Bill Hutchinson also foregoes any attempt to protect his family by forcing his wife to show her piece of paper and unquestioningly accepts his wife’s fate.

Jackson shows that the lottery has become a meaningless dog that the townspeople ignorantly follow driven only by their own sickness. The symbolism of the characters, especially that of Tessie Hutchinson provides considerable information on the theme of the story. Tessie Hutchinson is the perfect example of how evil exists in everyone. When people are brought together by fear and tradition and led with ignorance and folly there is sure to be terrible consequence.

Works Cited

Achebe, Chinua. “Dead Men’s Path.” Literature and the Writing Process. Elizabeth

McMahan, Susan X Day, and Robert Funk. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ

Prentice Hall, 00. 1-.

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Compare and Constrast

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Compare and Constrast even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Compare and Constrast in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

If you could name the thing you like more about Christmas and Easter what would it be? For me I really enjoy how these two holidays are. They both have great symbolism with their decorations. I think that they are both unique. I like how Christmas has great decorations and very different from Easter’s, in both of them you get gifts but they are not like each other. Even though Christmas and Easter are very different they are fun holidays. You can say a great time of decorations and gifts are Christmas and Easter.

A holiday that has very nice and pretty decorations is Christmas. During Christmas you can find Santa Clause, Ms. Clause, his reindeers, and his elves. People beautify their houses with trees and decorate them with ornaments. There are lights and many different of ornaments. The beautiful Christmas plants like miseltoe, poinsettias, and holly that people put up in their homes. Many people always find a way to make this holiday one of the most decorative holiday of all.

Another thing we love about Christmas is the gifts. All kids write a Christmas letter to Santa Clause for the presents they want. It is a time of receiving and giving to show that you care. Everyone gets or receives gifts, some are more expensive and other is just what we desired from our love ones. Kids get toys, games, or anything that they want to have. I think one important factor of this holiday is the gifts, because everyone wants to know you care for them.

Easter is a holiday for everyone. Many kids and adults do many decorations at this time. You decorate eggs, paint them or decorate them however you want. People also celebrate this holiday with bunnies that are a great symbol for this holiday. Then parents may also decorate with baskets. This holiday shows great artistic, talent in the way they decorate.

One of the most important gifts to a child is an Easter basket. They get a toy. Then the basket is filled with many chocolates and candy. They fill the basket with grass then decorate it with candy to give to a child. What I like most about Easter is when I was a child I got my basket with a toy and my candy.

In Easter and Christmas is a time of fun and unity between others. You get to enjoy many activities such like decorating and giving presents to each other. They are not like any other holiday, but they are fun. If there are two holiday, but they are fun. If there are two holidays that I enjoy they are Easter and Christmas because you can do many things like decorate, get, gifts and get in the holiday sprit. Holidays are meant to celebrate and share with your love ones, giving gifts, and decorating is the best thing I like about Easter and Christmas.

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color of water

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like color of water even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like color of water in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The community in the Color of Water, by James McBride, is defined as the family. While it is a negative force during Ruth’s childhood, the community becomes a positive force during Ruth’s adulthood. The community is a negative force in Ruth’s childhood because nobody in her family loved her. Ruth’s father molested her repeatedly when she was a child. Her mother just sat idly by like a ghost while all of this took place. Her family disowned her because she married a black man, and then when she thought things couldn’t get worse her parents got divorced. Ruth ran away and married a black man. Ruth expresses her right of individuality when she runs away and marries a black man. Through Ruth running away she was able to be alive again. For example it said in the Color of Water, “Rachel Shilsky is dead as far as Im concerned, She had to die in order for me, the rest me, to live.” The men she married were men of principle, and men of god. They helped create a strong foundation full of love, respect, and individuality for James McBride and his siblings. Throughout the book the author James McBride, is searching for the individual in which he wishes to become. He is blinded by the complex emotions of not knowing where he fits into the society. I believe that the individual that you become is based on the society surrounding you. I don’t think the book is really about individualism, but it is about the individual that you become. All the characters in this book experienced individualism, but each character develops very different ways of showing their individuality An illustration of the individual aspects is how James always seemed to be in the wrong crowds (community). When James was young he was part of a gang. As he got older things only got worse when he started hanging out with a bunch of drunks on the corner of a Kentucky liquor store. Not until the end of the book did James find a society that would help define who he is, or who he would become. He realizes that education is the society that would best help him grow throughout his life.

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Burning Up

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Burning Up even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Burning Up in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

Macey Clare a fifteen year old that lives in Connecticut where her grandparents live and where her mom grew up. Austin who is Macey’s grandparents next door neighbor moves in with his grandparents. During school Macey has to do a project about history. She wants to do it on a fire that happened in 15. Her grandparents don’t want her to do it on that, but she does.

While she is researches about it she helps a poor church and paints their walls. She meets a girl named Venita. A few days later Venita dies when interfering in a gang fight. Macey keeps continuing her journey to find out information about the fire. She talks to many people such as Alice Yinson whose husband did start the fire.

She talks to Wade Sibley about it to. Macey talked to a man who had pictures of the fire and Macey’s grandparents where in the pictures. Macey and Austin come to a conclusion about the fire and figure out that things have changed over the past years. That is my summary of Burning Up.

Would I Recommend This Book

Yes, I would recommend this book because it teaches a lesson. This book is good because it is very interesting. It was exciting too. It was one of those books you never want to put down. This is why I recommend this book for next year.

Some Characters

Macey Clare was one of the characters in the book, she fought for people who are judged because of their looks. Austin lives with his grandparents and is helping Macey with her project. Wade Sibley was a black man that people didn’t like and started his house on fire. Macey’s grandparents live in Connecticut and watch her most of the time. Alice Yinson a lady who’s first husband started Wade Sibley’s house on fire and committed suicide.

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Book review on Trainspotting

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Book review on Trainspotting even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Book review on Trainspotting in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

The fact that Renton, one of the main characters, starts off the book with severe junk withdrawal really sets the mood for the rest of the book. He also refers to most of his friends as ...a cunt.., which gives us a big insight into his dark, depressed character. The book is written for the most part in Edinborough dialect, and is a collection of disjointed, sickening and often gut-wrenching tales about a group of socially dysfunctional people, who could be described as friends, in a very loose way.

It lays bare to the base, coarse, and bleak souls of the junkies, wide boys, psychos and drunkards who exploit the system, and frequent the pubs and clubs of Edinborough, lining the pockets of the dealers, and keeping the filth busy.

Welsh explores the terror of HIV, and other everyday issues in Edinborough, while at the same time somehow inserting a black humour and absurd irony into the depressing downward spiral of his characters lives. may feel like a bad day in bedlam, but boy is it exhilirating.

The novel is very uncomfortable, but in some ways a breath of fresh air, freed from the monotony of political correctness, and straight into the disturbing world of the no-hopers, addicts and schizos. The stories we hear are retched from the gullet. This is the real world, horrific, debauched, stripped of all false niceities and raw; a trip back to the dark ages, or a wake-up call from reality?

i thought this book was of excellent quality, mind boggoling but full of charisma and excitment.

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An Analysis of William Butler Yeats' "The Wild Swans at Coole"

We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like An Analysis of William Butler Yeats' "The Wild Swans at Coole" even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like An Analysis of William Butler Yeats' "The Wild Swans at Coole" in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.

In poetry we find that most authors of great works created their powerful pieces at young ages. In contrast to that, William Butler Yeats’s greatest works revealed themselves only as he neared old age. To coincide with this phenomenon, Yeats wrote “The Wild Swans at Coole” which is a one of his moving testaments to the heart-ache of living in a time when a lot has changed. He expresses the effects he has weathered during the aging process through nature. Through the use of tone and other poetic devices, he conveys his personal feelings which sharply contrast with the swans which are the main symbols used in the poem.

We start out with the “autumn beauty” as the narrator stands at the edge of a large lake observing the swans. The first couple of stanzas contain a sense of solemn serenity describing the beauty of nature and especially the swans. An example of imagery expresses this bliss

Under the October twilight the water

Mirrors a still sky;

It has been nineteen years since he has been back to the very same spot to count the swans and at first he just reminisces. He reminisces about how everything has changed and that the swans are “unwearied” in contrast to himself who has a feeling of resent. This personal feelings are expressed through two trimester lines in each stanza. These give the poet an opportunity to utter short, heartfelt statements that pertain to the effects of old age. This contrasts between the youthful vibrancy of the swans who climb in the air. An example of the contrast that Yeats makes is found in lines 17 and 18 which are in the third stanza.

The bell-beat of their wings above my head,

Trod with a lighter tread.

The swans symbolize what Yeats cannot achieve in his old age. This is expressed through his plaintive tone throughout the last three stanzas which also indicates his distaste for what he cannot achieve.

Their hearts have not grown old;

They are still attended by passion and conquest.

The form of “The Wild Swans at Coole” is of regular stanza with five six-line stanzas, each written in a roughly iambic meter, with the first and third lines in tetrameter, the second, fourth and sixth lines in trimester, and the fifth line in pentameter, so that the pattern of stressed syllable in each stanza is 4--4--5-. The rhyme scheme in each stanza is A-B-C-B-D-D.

Literary devices like alliteration such as the “w” in line twenty-three “wander where they will...” and also the “tr” in line eighteen “trod with lighter tread.”

At the end of the poem the poet expresses a feeling of change and wonder. The speaker says, “their hearts have not grown cold,” and wherever they go they are attended by “passion or conquest.” But now, as they drift over the still water, they are “Mysterious, beautiful,” and he wonders where the swans will make their nests and whose eyes they will please when he wakes up to find they have flown away.

The life cycle is such an array of ideas that would be too broad and vast to write all about in one sitting. Yeats conveyed his genius in describing the essential part of life where people start to doubt their significance. He left us with the sense that we may still wonder no matter what age.

Mind that the sample papers like An Analysis of William Butler Yeats' "The Wild Swans at Coole" presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!