Saturday, April 14, 2012


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What is the difference between direct mail, e-mail, and general advertising?

General advertising, direct mail and e-mail use words and pictures to communicate a commercial message. However, there are several distinct differences between them

Direct mail, e-mail General advertising

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Sell to individuals with customers Mass selling to broad groups who

identifiably by name, address, and share common demographic charac-

purchase behavior. teristics. (However, everyone who turns

on a TV or buys magazine may see the ad,

whether they are a prospect or not).

Direct marketing and e- mail are Advertising is used over time to

used to generate an create an image or brand awareness

immediate action, an which may lead to a future action.

inquiry, or an order.

Added value of distribution to the Customer typically must go to

customer’s door. the store to purchase the product benefit.

The customer’s home or computer The retail outlet, catalog,

is the marketplace. or internet site is the marketplace.

Repetition is used within the ads to Repetition is used over a period

make the sale. of time to build awareness.

Direct mail has a dimension, Advertising is less personal

it can be touched, folded, and saved. but cannot be handled the way

The more involved the customer is mail or e-mail can.

with the package, the better the response.

E-mail can be downloaded for the same


Response to the advertisements can Effectiveness cannot be measured,

be tracked, recorded, analyzed, and only surmised by the increase or

stored for future purposes. decrease in sales. Individual

Individual consumers can be identi- consumers are not easily identified.

fied, and contacted again with

additional offers or follow-up.

What are the advantages of direct mail, e-mail ?

Direct mail, e-mail generates a measurable response of advertising for products. You will be able to process, record, analyze, and fulfill or follow up on each response, which will permit contact with respondents again with additional offers. But there are many more advantages

1. Selectivity and personalization You can select lists that zeroes in on a

certain type of person or a specific geographic area. You can pick only people with

a specific interest or buying history, with little or no wasted energy. You can

make the message a personal one that capitalizes on that selectivity and address

each individual by name.

. More flexibility The catalog or e-mail can be as simple or as elaborate as wanted.

We control the distribution, so the quantity can be as small as we like or as large as

the available universe.

. Most suitable for testing No other media permits the widespread test capability

provided by direct mail and e-mail. Thanks to the computer’s ability to select a perfect Nth name sample, the mailings can include as many split tests as necessary to provide a wide variety of answers from a single mailing, or e-mail,

4. Maximize profit from the customer list The classic formula for direct mail

success is to build a list of satisfied customers and then go back to them for repeat

sales. Targeted e-mail and direct mail is the only medium that allows us to concentrate promotion efforts on just our previous customers, or to prospect for new ones.

5. Highest response rate Compared with other media, direct mail e-mail will usually

produce the highest percentage of response. So, if direct mail, e-mail pays out, we

can build our sales, profit, and customer list more rapidly than by using just

general advertising by itself.


6.Total marketing accountability -- return on investment After testing, we know

exactly what results are produced with each mailing, so the advertising dollars are

no longer an immeasurable expense. They not only pay their own way in terms of

traceable responses and orders, they provide self-funding ad exposures to those who

see our mailing but don’t respond.

The disadvantage of cost

The major disadvantage of direct mail and e-mail is expensive. So the direct mail and e-mail must produce a much higher response than other media to give you a comparable


In direct mail terms, a good, successful, money-making program generally gets a favorable response from just a few people per hundred, and in many instances even less. Although direct mail has the highest cost per thousand of any advertising medium, its selectivity makes the effective cost per reader lower than any other form of sales.

Mind that the sample papers like marketing presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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