Monday, May 7, 2012

The Cuban Missile Crisis

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The Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 16 was a very controversial issue for the United States. On the morning of October 16, when it was brought to the United States attention that Russia was placing atomic weapons in Cuba, after the frenzy that first seized the Cabinet, the main question on everybodys mind was, how are we going to deal with this problem? The decision-making procedures used by the Kennedy Administration during the Cuban Missile Crisis were highly effective. How the United States received and dealt with this important matter was correct to the fullest extent.

President Kennedy, at first, did not know how to retaliate towards the Russians placing missiles in Cuba. These were weapons of mass destruction, which could kill as many as 80 million people with one strike, yet we did not know whether they were to be used upon us or if they were merely being used for protection. The photography having indicated that the missiles were being directed at certain American cities, the estimate was that within a few minutes of their being fired eighty million Americans would be dead (Kennedy 5). It was too risky to have no reaction to this crisis at all. At first the Russians claimed that there were no weapons to be found in Cuba, and completely denied the fact that missile bases were being constructed as well as the missiles themselves. Later when it became obvious that there were weapons in Cuba, Russia defended themselves by saying they were being used to help Cuba become a stronger country. From the beginning it was clear that the Russians could not be trusted, …we realized that it had all been lies, one gigantic fabric of lies. The Russians were putting missiles in Cuba, and they had been shipping them there and beginning the construction of the sites and the same time… (Kennedy 7), which made the decision making task even more challenging. The decision of whether to attack militarily or to hold back and defend ourselves by means of a blockade filled the Cabinet room with arguments and conflict for several days. What is worse is that the United States had limited time to act. If we waited too long, the Russians, if they wanted to, could finish building their missiles and use them. This was too much of a risk to take, which is why we acted as we did. The president made the right decision to enforce a blockade upon the Russians.

The blockade was the correct way to act for several reasons. There was the issue of morality. If the United States advocated a surprise attack, it would be by a very large country upon a very small one. If the United States wished to keep its moral position and its respect from the rest of the world, they could not attack Cuba since it would destroy our heritage and ideals along with the destruction of the missiles. Kennedy did not want to take military action if he did not have to. With a blockade, no lives would be lost, while with an air attack, it was guaranteed that people would be killed, mainly innocent Cuban citizens who lived on the island. Most importantly, I could not accept the idea the United States would rain bombs on Cuba, killing thousands and thousands of civilians in a surprise attack (Kennedy 7). By any chance if that kind of confrontation with Cuba could be avoided, the United States should act with force but not attack. If the United States had decided to attack Cuba, we would have later been faced with Russian attacks of retaliation not only upon us, but also on our stations in Berlin. Even an air attack would not be able to destroy all the missiles. Some would be left, and the ones remaining would probably be used upon the Americans as a way for Russia to fight back. We would have accomplished nothing through attacking militarily, and therefore Kennedys actions to carry out a blockade were wise and the best decision regarding both countries.

The decision-making procedures used by Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis were highly effective. Kennedy tried to act as peacefully as possible. If we invaded Cuba, the door would be opened for Russia to take reciprocal action. By knowing what he wanted and acting persistently to achieve it, Kennedy was able to create an organized plan to try and resolve the issue. The blockade enabled the United States to prevent more missile equipment to reach Cuba, yet that did not stop the creation of missiles that were already there. We needed to know and be assured by Russia that all missiles were out of Cuba. Instead of acting with weapons, the Russians and the United States sent each other letters. Kennedy expressed his displeasure with the situation and reasoned with Russia by pen and paper instead of bombs and guns. His tactic worked, a few days later Russia replied to his letter and agreed to withdraw the missiles from Cuba. The United States acted correctly for several reasons, and in doing so we ensured safety to the people of our country and increased our moral status with other countries. The choice was to have gone it and taken steps which were not necessary or to have acted as we did. At least we now had the support of the whole Western Hemisphere and all our allies around the world(Kennedy 68). Overall it was a wise decision made by the Kennedy Administration.

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